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Postby Mint » Wednesday 30 April 2003 1:50:14pm

Do only wizards turn into ghosts? In all of the books ghosts are found in wizards homes. I don't remember them mentioning any muggle ghosts.

And I assume all of the ghosts in Hogwarts were wizards too, otherwise why would they go there?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 30 April 2003 1:59:58pm

Hrmm, I had never even thought wether or not most of them were wizards! We really haven't been told either way aboutmost of them, have we, just aht Moaring Myrtle was at school! Hey, I wonder if she could hold a wand if she could still perform magic???

And I just assumed that they were only seen in wizardy places because muggles can't see them???

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Postby Hermione » Wednesday 30 April 2003 3:15:04pm

Mmm . . . none of the character's homes have ghosts in them. All the ghosts we've met so far live at school.

I guess anybody can turn into ghosts, but only wizards can see them, or something. All I know is that all the ghosts Rowling has introduced were wizards in their past.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 30 April 2003 4:36:24pm

Sure? Hm...Have we been told what the nearly headless Nick or the bloody baron have been in their past?
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 30 April 2003 8:09:37pm

Have we been told what the nearly headless Nick or the bloody baron have been in their past?

Thats the thing - we haven't!

And I do remember that there was a ghost at Weasley's house. (in the attic )


I wonder if she could hold a wand if she could still perform magic???

No, I don't think any ghosts can do magic. (that would be too freaky)

And if muggles do turn into ghosts - they suddenly find out that there is a wizard world? hmmmmm.....this is tooo confusing. but for some reason I think that JKR made only Wizard ghosts.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Thursday 1 May 2003 1:20:59am

actually Hermione, i have to agree with mint here, there is a ghost in the weasly's attic (hey, she remembered somthing)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 1 May 2003 2:04:02am

The thing at the Burrow is a ghoul, not a ghost...
Just dont' be asking me what the difference is, because I dont' have a clue!!!
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Postby Neo » Thursday 1 May 2003 6:22:48am

Yeah holly, is right (I do not know the difference either); but that means Mint's bad memory hasn't change.
I think that only wizards turn into ghosts, and are only seen by wizards (just like the dementors)
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Postby Hermione » Thursday 1 May 2003 1:19:04pm

<----- what Holly said about the ghoul

Also, I'm relatively certain that we have been told what Nearly Headless Nick and the Bloody Baron were . . . I have to double check that again. But think about it . . . if they weren't wizards, what would they be doing at Hogwarts?
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Postby choki » Thursday 1 May 2003 2:59:32pm

Nearly Headless Nick is the gryffindor ghost and bloody Baron the slytherin ghost...maybe they used to be at hogwarts in those houses?
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Postby Mint » Thursday 1 May 2003 8:15:21pm

:evil: FOR ONCE 12321 agreed with me, and YOU NEO just HAD to spoil the moment!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :lol:

i have to agree with mint here, there is a ghost in the weasly's attic
- see you don't remember ALL of it either :lol: :razz:

Anyway, ghoul? I don't remember anything about ghouls.....maybe they misspelled it.

It was a ghost. Slytherins are always right. :evil:


How WEIRD would it be though if you just died and suddenly you find out that there are all these wizards and stuff.....I don't know. Lol

Do they discriminate if you are a muggle ghost or a wizard ghost? :lol:
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Thursday 1 May 2003 8:37:22pm

yeah, it was a ghoul, now i don't agree, haha
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Postby Neo » Friday 2 May 2003 3:53:27am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Slytherins usually do things wrong (specially with bad memory); and I remember it being a ghoul, so I still remember everything important
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Postby Mint » Friday 2 May 2003 6:29:43pm

Im waaay to lazy to check gost/ghoul thing. (12321 - u still got it wrong that first time :lol: )

Anyway, do you think they discriminate muggle/wizard ghosts? do they get like better "housing" :grin:
Cause it seems like wizards are controlling them (ghost) a bit. (Myrtle for example)
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Postby Hermione » Friday 2 May 2003 8:03:13pm

It was definitely a ghoul. If you still don't believe me, I can hunt it up for you once I get home :razz:
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