And it's not like wizard don't keep up with technology. Trains and toilets and phonebooths didn't exist a thousand years ago.
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Run Away!!! wrote:Well the books not supposed to be set in 'modern modern' times.. Steam trains were still in widespread use in Britain through till the 1960's, so its not that suprising. The use of a steam train I think just gives it the right atmosphere that JK wanted.
Well if you use a electrical train it would shut down when they get close to Hogwarts. Hermione mentioned in a History that you can't use electric thinks near Hogwarts, they get messed up.Scellanis wrote:Steam trains are prettier and given they can power it by magic why would they bother with the nasty ugly electric things muggles use because they are faster, wizards don't need electric to improve their things.
The phonebooth and the toilets have a reason for being modern things, they are set in modern muggle streets to be entrances to wizard places, they need to be looking normal and not special though I got the impression it was an old style delapidated phone box that noone would want to use and phone boxes are going out of use with mobile phones these days too.
Its plainly obviously from Arthur Weasley and others at the Quidditch World Cup in book 4 that most wizards don't keep up with muggle technology, most of them wont have a clue what any of it is. I doubt many of them know what electricity is.
firewhisky wrote:Following the theory that the steam train should be updated , can we now expect quidditch to be played upon enchanted dustbusters?
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