Overall Opinion

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 25 July 2007 6:24:58am

To me it seemed it was like halfway into the book and they didn't get anything done.. and then everything exciting was packed into the last half.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 25 July 2007 7:58:46am

Don't tell me that some tears formed in your eyes Phoenix... :eek: :lol: Poor Dobby...

BUt that's what most books do Run Away, rarely will you find the first half of the book extremely eventful, well that's what I've noticed. I thought the begginning was quite exciting...I mean deaths within the first 100 pages!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 25 July 2007 10:36:28am

I loved this book and can't wait to read it again more slowly this time. I was doing so well at absorbing it slowly until a 100 pages from the end when I found myself jumping text so I could get through quicker and get to the conclusion. In my book the fact that I was so eager to get to the finale meant that it must have finished well but I can't help feeling that JKR went to sleep halfway through.

I was getting a little desperate at one point to hear about what else was going on with the Order, DE's, Snape etc and yet she continued to focus on Harry, Ron and Hermione. I understand why but one chapter out of what was happening to them would have been nice.

I love the fact that so many aspects of previous books were revisited but also feel in some strange way that JKR might have felt she needed to revisit them because she needed to make this book spectacular. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't. I thought the burglery scene was a great scene but the reappearance of Viktor was a bit naff to be honest.

Also for someone who had spent a lot of time with a close companion, (spoiler free) I was surprised that Harry didn't grieve more for the loss of that close companion when they attempted to escape.... It was like 10 seconds... I was really upset when they died.

The epilogue wasn't long enough and I agree with whoever said it didn't explain about enough characters.

The big finale scene did not disappoint though I felt there could have been some kind of explanation to the rest of the wizarding community and not such an abrupt halt.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Wednesday 25 July 2007 1:45:40pm

I thought every chapter was exciting! It jumped right in to the action. I definitely was not expecting deaths so quickly.

I also can't wait to read it again. I definitely need to read it more slowly.
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Postby Rory Pridinham » Wednesday 25 July 2007 6:21:40pm

This book was an emotional rollercoaster for me - the first half I could kinda deal with the fighting between H, R and Herm, and the deaths of Hedwig and Mad Eye, but getting closer to the end when we were losing more and more characters, I actually started bawling. I think the exact point was when Fred got killed, but picturing Tonks and her hubby lying on the cold floor in the castle also made me erupt into tears. Then at the end when Harry was looking in the Penseive into Snapes thoughts and Snape realized Harry had to die, I started crying AGAIN. Who knew I would become so attached to a fictional character? I still think JK should write some more followup books, but that's just my opinion.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Wednesday 25 July 2007 6:36:40pm

i spent almost the whole time i was reading crying. i'm such a softie. and the part when narcissa showed her true colors, that touched me. it really showed how important love is, and how much voldy lacks because he can't do it. and snape's memories, wow. that gave a new meaning to the chapt. snapes worst memory. it wasn't because of james, it was because snape lost lily that day.
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Postby Bextra » Thursday 26 July 2007 10:50:15am

This had to be the saddest book ever, what with all the deaths and stuff, I think that when they make this book into a movie it'll be R16, which I can at last get into! Yuss!
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Thursday 26 July 2007 4:22:46pm

I think that it was pretty good. I got a little frazzled in the middle when they were just running around and Ron left and I was jsut like:"Get the freeking sword and kill it!"
I did like Dean's bit. I just wish that he could have done a bit more, though.
Half way after Dobby died I vowed that I would shed no more tears and I haven't since.
I think that it was Hedwig's death that really got me, though. And Colin's. And how he and Peakes tried to stay behind and fight and how Colin refused to leave. and when the Gryffindors all stood up to surround Harry. And then the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, too.
I wish that we could have heard more about what was happening at Hogwarts, though. And then when Harry's old team came back including Oliver. And how Percy came bursting through, out of breath at the last minute. And how he and Arthur battled Thiknesse.
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Postby Stumpy » Thursday 26 July 2007 5:19:34pm

Some bits could have been extended, like the individual fights etc, but i really enjoyed the book and am desperate for the story after the 7th book
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 26 July 2007 9:03:44pm

WOW - Hi Stumpy! Long time no see! I agree though there could have been a few more explanations on the fight scenes and bits which could have been clarified. Like when LV was upset at Gringotts, I actually thought he killed Lucius and Bella as punishment - I had to read it a couple of times before I assumed that they made it to the door!
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 27 July 2007 3:32:15am

Yeah. When he was killing everyone in the room, I was just like:"Okay. Calm down and we'll get a therapist in here"
I did love the Gringotts scene though.
And then when it was all serious and everything and then Kreacher comes bursting out of the kitchens leading a hoarde of angry house-elves all armed with meat cleavers and kitchen knives and they just started attacking the Death Eater's ankles, I just about burst! :lol: I just wish that Dobby could have been there to see the day. For a moment there I thought:"Surely Dobby is in the lead, also." But, allas, no. I remembered that he died.
I also loved how the furniture and statues all came alive and the portraits were doing all that they could and they were attcking with plants and Peeves was helping. It reminded me of a Fairy Tale. And I must say that I liked Peeves' new song and Rons reaction to it. Quite a change form:"Oh Potter, You Rotter."
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Postby Stumpy » Friday 27 July 2007 12:44:37pm

Hi snow, it has been to long! yeah it'll be interesting to see how they do the fight scene in the films, lord of the rings style. I was also wish ginny's goings on at hogwarts and when she was holiday was expanded a bit as im sure harry wouldve been concerned.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 27 July 2007 4:35:17pm

I think that Ginny and the rest of the D.A. should have shoved one of the Carrows or somebody into Fred and George swamp.
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Postby lovegood63 » Tuesday 31 July 2007 10:42:05pm

i thought it was more than i expected. it was amazing! my fav book in the series :D
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Crying, it happens

Postby DDforever » Thursday 2 August 2007 10:54:57pm

I must admit you guys aren't the only ones who cried through. I think we suffered the most losses in this edition. I was heart broken about Dobby, Fred, Moody, Tonks. I was especially sad to see that Harry's godson also lost both his parents.

Overall I thought some of her moves were a bit surprising. I was disappointed that JK went with the whole Harry is a horcrux thing. It didn't feel right somehow, probably just because others had spoiled it before we got the book.

I loved that she tied up that last bit about house elves being able to apparate in and out of Hogwart's that was bothering me.

I loved it though, I felt thoroughly satisfied after finishing it and despite the sadness immediately started from the beginning again.

The sentimental tosh in the epilogue though was overkill. C'mon did she have to have all the children named after everybody?

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