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Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 22 July 2007 10:18:56pm

What did everyone think about it? I really didn't think he was. But I like how Voldy had no idea Harry was a Horcrux. That wouldn't have made sense, if Voldy made Harry a Horcrux on purpose. If that was true, why would Voldy have been trying to kill Harry? He would have been killing a part of his soul.

What would have happened if Voldy knew Harry was a Horcrux? Would he have still tried to kill Harry?
Last edited by DucksRMagical on Sunday 22 July 2007 11:51:38pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 22 July 2007 10:34:32pm

I thought the idea was to try and keep spoilers out of the titles that way if someone accidently searches for new posts they don't get spoiled by thread titles....

I liked the twist that brought him back to life, I thought I might start crying if it turned out that the book ended on the death of Harry just as a sacrifice, quite interesting twist with the wand too.

If Volde had known it would have probably driven him mad, Potter irritated him soo much....possibly he'd still have tried to kill him thinking he still had nagini and himself which would be enough.
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Postby Eol » Sunday 22 July 2007 11:28:04pm

Scellanis wrote:If Volde had known it would have probably driven him mad, Potter irritated him soo much....possibly he'd still have tried to kill him thinking he still had nagini and himself which would be enough.

I completely agree with this. I just want to make sure though that Voldey had split his soul into 8 bits and not the intended 7. Am I right in thinking that?

1. Riddle's Diary
2. Gaunt's Ring
3. Slytherin's Locket
4. Hufflepuff's cup
5. Ravenclaw's diadem
6. Nagini
7. Harry
8. the Part left in Voldey.

I'm not really sure if a part of his soul went into Harry or the entire remainder of his soul did. If the latter was the case, wouldn't he be like a victim of the Dementor's kiss?
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 22 July 2007 11:33:54pm

Looks like it was 8 but wasn't that what he intended, to have 7 horcruxes...only he wasn't intending one of them to be Harry, it should have been something else....I think some of his soul still existed in him otherwise he would have been just a body after angini died, just a gormless body with no thoughts or anything....pretty sure thats how people kissed by the demetors end up...just flesh and blood with no thoughts or intelligence. Voldemort was definately still there in the body he made for himself at the end.
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Postby Eol » Sunday 22 July 2007 11:36:30pm

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be seven parts, so 6 horcruxes and the final bit with Voldemort.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 22 July 2007 11:54:24pm

Oh, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about keeping spoilers out of the titles! :oops: I changed it.

Yeah, he probably would have still tried to kill Harry. It just makes you wonder how the books would be different if Voldy had known about Harry being a horcrux.

I love how Harry pretended to be dead, that was great.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 1:01:22am

I don't think Nagini was a horcrux, I think that LV thought she was though. DD said to Harry that HE was the seventh horcrux, which I think meant that he replaced Nagini. I think LV didn't know that Harry was the 7th horcrux and assumed that he made Nagini a horcrux but Nagini didn't become one because he already had his intended amount.
It doesn't really matter though whether there was 7 or 8 I guess because Nagini was destroyed anyway.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 23 July 2007 3:37:47am

I think a gap like that would have been fill though. I'm sure Nagini was, indeed, a Horcrux.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 4:58:28am

DD said that Harry was the 7th horcrux, but didn't state that there was now 8. Hmm.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 23 July 2007 5:22:54am

Yeah, so if Harry's the 7th, that means Voldy is the 8th part, cause he himself isn't a Horcrux....
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 5:31:50am

Oh yeah, there was only 6th horcruxes to begin with weren't there? Never mind then, my maths is shocking.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 23 July 2007 4:51:51pm

heh heh, i loved the part where mrs.weasley yelled at bellitrix.. :lol:

v intended to have 6 horcruxes and then his body. when he attacked harry as a baby, he only had 5. v planned on making his 6th horcrux from the death of him. he failed. 14 years later, he made what was supposed to be his 6th horcrux out of the death of frank bruce. but he stil only had 5, because harry destroyed the diary. the largest amount of horcruxes he ever had was 5. (not including harry, because v had no knowledge of him being a horcrux)
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Postby ElineV » Tuesday 24 July 2007 5:46:10pm

I kinda thought that HP was a horcrux..so I really expected H. to die (one cannot live without the other) and so thought Harry would be happy coz he would be with all his lovedones (parents, sirius, albus)
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Postby Eol » Tuesday 24 July 2007 9:05:59pm

ElineV wrote: one cannot live without the other

The prophecy never said this. It actually reads: either must die at the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives.
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Postby ElineV » Tuesday 24 July 2007 9:08:31pm

ooh sorry; I meant that former quote.
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