Overall Opinion

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Opinions? **Please keep spoiler free!**

Postby digby202 » Sunday 22 July 2007 4:26:38pm

What did you guys think?

Aside from the final chapter/epilogue I enjoyed it very much.

Perhaps a little predictable for some of you(us) who scrutinized waayyy too much!
Very enjoyable and enlightening though
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 22 July 2007 10:19:33pm

I loved it, so exciting... :D My fave book I think
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 1:06:18am

I agree with Digby, i didn't like the final epilogue and I thought it was way too predictable. I mean, Regulas WAS rab, Harry WAS a horcrux, Snape WAS good, Snape DID love Lily. Wow... none of us totally saw any of that coming.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 23 July 2007 3:30:04am

Yes, but Run Away, it was they way it all spilled out. It's now my new favorite. Even above my beloved PoA.....Who here thinks that Harry's son's middle name is Sirius? :D

But Harry walking right into his own death, not defending himself, was the hardest chapter to get though, just because it was so...dang....good....

My least favorite chapters were propbely Shell Cotage and Gringots, they were predictible and a little boring.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 5:01:32am

I can't say I was suprised at anything that happened in the entire book, I pretty much saw everything coming before it happened.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 23 July 2007 5:18:54am

Some of the things, but I still loved it! :D
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 5:27:42am

Even at the end where you find out from Snape that Harry has to die I was like "I knew JK would try and kill him off" and then my next comment was "He's probably going to die and then come back to life" :o
And that is what it was like for me the entire way through the book.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 23 July 2007 5:31:01am

I sisn't know what to think when it happened, only that I had to keep reading! :grin: I was so into it that I can't say I really thought about was they were doing..... :lol:
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 5:33:41am

Hehehe lucky for you then, everytime something happened I predicted what wuld come next. I didn't even really stop to think about it... these things just come to my mind as I kept reading.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Monday 23 July 2007 9:17:56am

Yes, Run Away, I agree, it was quite predictable, nearly the whole book, it disappointed me a bit. (Lily and Snape, oh) Before this book, JKR always wrote something that no fan and fanfiction could have though of, she was full of suprises. However, I liked the book, pity it's the last one, there're many questions she didn't answer and I'd like to know the answers.
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Overall Opinion

Postby Petronella_Pettigrew » Monday 23 July 2007 10:07:07am

So, how do you guys feel about the whole book? Did it live up to your expectations, or was it below par?
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Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 23 July 2007 1:50:43pm

I loved it. It definitely lived up to my expectations. But the epilogue wasn't very good, imo. It didn't tell you about what happened to most of the characters. It seemed to almost open up a new storyline for new books, but she said she doesn't intend to write anymore. Although I do hope she changes her mind.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 23 July 2007 4:30:30pm

i think it didn't seem to be quite jk's style, the whole take-over-the-ministry-and-hogwarts thing. but was very good, although when harry walked into the woods to die i couldn't stop crying.
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Postby Eol » Monday 23 July 2007 4:52:53pm

I thought it was great, my favourite by far, especially as we learned so much about Dumbledore.

The epilogue was a bit abrupt, but it shows us enough. Ron and Hermione are together with two kids, as are Harry and Ginny. Teddy Lupin is doing okay and Bill and Fleur had a daughter called Victoire.
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 23 July 2007 6:58:09pm

I thought it was great, best so far :D
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