Umbridge's Surprise

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Umbridge's Surprise

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 13 July 2007 6:15:46pm

Chapter 1
Ugly Assingments, Magnificent Plans

Ginny Weasley walked into the common room to find everyone crowded around the notice board. What horrible degree has that evil cow put out now? Ginny thought, Surely Umbridge had put out enough of these already?

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked over to her and told her the news.

"Umbridge is making us go to another ball," said Ron, groaning. "And she's going to assign us our dance partners."

Ginny gaped at them. "No way am I going to this thing." She said.

"This is going to far." agreed Hermione, her temper rising. "How dare her! That foul, that evil-"

"This is going to be fun." said Fred, walking over to them. "A perfect opputunnity to give Umbridge what she deserves."

Ginny smiled. This wasn't going to be so bad after all.
Last edited by FawkesthePhoenix on Monday 16 July 2007 4:44:58pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 15 July 2007 12:42:17am

Good so far, please continue....
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 16 July 2007 3:17:37am

thank you for the kind words. :) i'd post more, but i have to go unpack(been away all weekend). i'll probaly have time tomorrow, though!
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 16 July 2007 5:01:58pm

next installment.

By 6 o'clock the next day, they had finished plans. The ball started at 8, and went until midnight, so each of them would get a half hour. (Neville and Luna had decided to help.)

First, Ron was going to pretend to get drunk and blame it on Crabbe.
Second, Hermione was going to curl up in a ball and start screaming, and afterwards say that she came down with a severe case of Umbridge-itis.
Third, Harry was going to make his patronus chase Umbidge all around the ballroom.
Fourth, Luna was going to give a big speech about Crumple-horned Snorkacks (Luna was delighted at hearing this was going to be her part.)
Fifth, Ginny was going to stick Skiving Snackbox sweets into the bowls of candy lying around.
Finally, Fred and George were going to do their part. (They wouldn't say what they were going to do, only that they should bring shield cloaks.)

All of them were soon counting the days until the night of the ball.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 16 July 2007 9:16:01pm

:lol: Herminone curling up into a little ball sceaming,.....Did her brain finailly reach overload? :lol: Go on,
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 17 July 2007 12:14:06am

:lol: her hatred of umbirdge battling with her love of following the rules....

i know his takes place in the 5th book, but i'm going to use some half-blood prince charactors in the next parts.

Ginny walked down from her dormitory the next day to find that the assigned dance partners had been announced. Ginny scanned the list, hoping, hoping that she would be with Harry. She finally found her name, and nearly fainted. She was with Zaicharius Smith. Ginny looked at her friends partners. all were people they hated. Harry- Romilda Vane. Hermione- Cormac Mclaggen. Ron- some girl they didn't know. Fred and George weren't on the list. Probaly were forbidden to go, Ginny thought. Lucky. And of course, all the Slytherins got to go with the people they wanted. This made Ginny want to do the pranks even more than before.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Thursday 2 August 2007 5:39:54pm

This is pretty interesting.
My only suggestions is that you make it a tad more detailed.

I'm looking forward to seeing more!
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Re: Umbridge's Surprise

Postby salemboy » Tuesday 5 August 2008 1:03:29pm

Fawkes, what happened? I want to see what they did to Umby the Dumby. My favorite part of the fifth book is when they pranked Looney Ooney Umbridge.
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Re: Umbridge's Surprise

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 11 August 2008 12:48:40am

what happened? i think the downfall of this fanfic was the fact that i never thought out an actual plot. *shrugs* i just kind of stumbled around writing whatever flew into my head.
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Re: Umbridge's Surprise

Postby salemboy » Monday 11 August 2008 12:36:02pm

Ooh, ooh, does that mean I can write it for you until you want to come back to it?
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Re: Umbridge's Surprise

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 11 August 2008 6:07:19pm

sure, knock yourself out. *hands salem deed to fanfic* this fanfic is officially yours.
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Re: Umbridge's Surprise

Postby salemboy » Tuesday 19 August 2008 6:41:07am

[WOOT. Now, let's roll this over and start from the beginning.]

Darkness loomed over the castle. Lightning forked across the sky as you could here a maniacal laugh resounded through otherwise silent school. Children were walking in chains, as Filch wipped them, saying, "Get to your classes, filth." Children were having tears run down their cheeks, but refused to make a sound. In the great hall, they ate leftovers, bones with almost no meat on them. This, was a prison for children named Hogwarts. Every hour, a short toadlike woman would go out onto the balcony of her Headmistress office, and force all of the children to bow, and say, "All hail Umbridge, all hail Umbridge." Then they'd have to file 1 by 1 into the great hall, to watch her eat a feast, a feast for many, but all for her. Then, when they'd go to bed, they'd have to look up, and say their prayers to Umbridge, and the last thing they'd see is a poster of her on the ceiling, her sick demented, twisted smile staring down on them.

Fred suddenly awoke with a start. He wiped the sweat from his forehead as he looked around. Phew, it was only a dream. Everybody was currently asleep. He crawled over to George's bed, and shook him.

George slowly opened his eyes. "What is it, Fred?" He yawned.

"George," Fred said, quite serious, causing George to sit up abruptly. "I have seen what will happen if we don't act now. We need to take down Umbridge."
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