The clock?

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The clock?

Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 26 June 2007 8:29:29pm

It says its 7:28pm but its 9:28pm and I checked I do have it set to GMT which is my timezone....
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 27 June 2007 12:34:37am

That's odd - things were indeed 2 hours off. I had hoppy (the server) set to GMT so in theory if you changed your timezone to GMT +1 (British summer time), things should have worked out OK for the current UK clock time, but doing things that way still left things 1 hour behind. I've changed hoppy from GMT to the current UK clock time (British Summer Time or GMT+1 in other words) so now if you change your own timezone in your profile to GMT+1, you should have the correct UK time.

If this puts anyone else's timings off can you post here, as I didn't think this was the right way to do it, but other ways ended up certainly totally wrong.

Edited to add:
Eek - I've just thought that changing the server time is not a good idea as when I'd need to change it back (when the clocks go BST goes over to GMT in Autumn) it could mess up some things and cause some icky problems. I've just changed the server time back to GMT, so things will still be an hour off currently.

(One example of the icky problems hit me trying to post this bit below the dotted line as a new message or edit, after changing the time back, as the board thought I was posting within the flood period so refused to allow me to post again so "soon"....I had to manually go into the database to input this edit).

I'm sure things should be easier to fix than this (and have been in the past). I'll have to look into the best way of getting the board time correct.
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 27 June 2007 2:21:37pm

Well its not that important, it just confused me when i saw I'd posted 2 hours earlier despite only just having posted the message....messy Kimmy brain moment. Most of the time I never even look at the times.
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 3 July 2007 8:20:44pm

Aha got things sorted. Hoppy was cleverer than I thought - she already knew it was British Summer Time, so when I set the time earlier in the thread, assuming hoppy was still using GMT, I was setting it 1 hour too early. Things should be working correct now....and there's a little extra that I've added. Wonder if you can spot what I mean. :-)
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