I didn't see any other threads about IMAX so I'm making a new one.
Sooo, who is going to see the Order of Phoenix in IMAX theater? Last 20 minutes of the movie will be in 3D!! I am sooo there , I've been wanting to see HPotter in 3D for the longest time!!!
IMAX is a really big movie theater, with a huge screen, and they broadcast the movies (all or just part of them) in 3-D. They have them in USA, and I'm not sure where else.
*gasps* how is peeves going to chase umbridge off the grounds while hitting her alternately with a bag of chalk and walking stick when there is no peeves?! i was really looking forward to that part!
This weekend we're going to an amusement park on Saturday. On Sunday, we were just going to drive home. There's an IMAX 3-D theater near our hotel!!! So, my parents said we could probably go see it on Sunday! And there are still tickets available!