I just Realized:R.A.B

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Postby .:.Lily.:. » Monday 18 June 2007 5:47:56am

Does anyone remember in OOTP, when the gang is cleaning out the black house, how they come across a locket that won't open? Is it a coincidence that there is a mysterious locket there, in the BLACK house?

And JKR mentioned once that she was surprised how quickly we, the fans, tuned in to the locket at the black house. In ohter words, we're on the right track.

Who else could have brought the locket to an unplottable house other then a Black? I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but it has to be Regulus!!
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 18 June 2007 3:54:45pm

Yes we have been over this locket thing a dozen times already! We all know that.. and yes I agree a lot of evidence points to Regulas, but in my opinion its a little too much evidence. It could be Regulus, its likely to be Regulus.. but its not 100% certain!!
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Postby Simatra » Monday 18 June 2007 4:14:41pm

Does anyone remember in OOTP, when the gang is cleaning out the black house, how they come across a locket that won't open? Is it a coincidence that there is a mysterious locket there, in the BLACK house?

If you're talking about Regulas, I have this other idea. Alphard Black, Sirius's uncle.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 20 June 2007 2:34:07am

And JKR mentioned once that she was surprised how quickly we, the fans, tuned in to the locket at the black house. In ohter words, we're on the right track.

Ok well the way I think of it is that JKR said she was suprised at how quickly we caught on... think about these words 'how quickly'. I think she expected us to catch on.. but not as quickly as we did.. but she thought we would eventually. Which means perhaps she wants us to think its Regulas Black to lead us on the wrong track and then come and suprise us with someone else.
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Postby aquamonet » Wednesday 20 June 2007 11:12:42am

I agree. Nothing in Harry Potter is that obvious. I expect it is a character that we know but possibly under another name. It depends on who was meant to find it. May be it was some kind of code or nickname.

You only have to look at the thoughts on the "Half Blood Prince" and how you could only work that out with the information given in the book (well that's how I worked it out. I'm sure someone will now explain how there was some clue in one of the earlier books). How it wasn't any of the obvious halfbloods from before.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Wednesday 20 June 2007 7:22:30pm

I can't believe I'm saying this :o :eek: , but I like Simatra's idea about Uncle Alphard the best! He is such an obscure, miniscule, and unlikely character, that it's very like J.K. But I still can't help this feeling that we've overlooked someything....
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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 20 June 2007 11:41:15pm

we've probably overlooked a lot of things, and I agree Uncle Alphard is a good theory, but I still feel that its too close to Regulas.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 22 June 2007 4:45:25pm

what about this.
Rabatsan Lestange
he was a de. he could done it.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Friday 22 June 2007 5:57:45pm

Oooh possibly, thats a good thought. But why would he initialize his first name like that?
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 22 June 2007 6:48:35pm

it might make him harder to track.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Saturday 23 June 2007 12:06:55am

Maybe those were just ink spots! :lol:
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Postby sorcerer83 » Monday 25 June 2007 4:29:44pm

Christo wrote:But the fact that in Dutch versions its R.A.Z. and the dutch word for black begins with Z? This shurely is too much of a coincidence? I'd be preperared for a dissapointment folks...

i think that only weakens the regulus black theory!!!:

if rab is indid a name - that is the initials of a private name, then these initials in dutch would spel .... thats right r.a.b!! (you do not translate a private name!!! - it stays the same). however if these initials are of an organization or a nickname that is made of words - then you would translate these words into dutch or whatever language you wish. so according to the translation thing the black in the r.a.b needs to be the word black and not the name.

about going through the books to find rabs i remember in the interview jk gave just after the book was released she said that most fans who read the books several times would know what the 7 horcrux is. she said nothing of the sort about rab; when asked about rab being regulus - she smiled a meaningful smile (if i remember correctly) which could hint that it is him, but can also be just a trick to lead us to believe he is - just smoke in our eyes...
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Postby Run Away!!! » Friday 29 June 2007 8:31:48pm

Unfortunately I just looked it up and in the dutch version Sirius black is Sirius Zwarts and in Norway he's Sirius Svaart. For a full list of translations you can go to this website http://www.eulenfeder.de/int/gbint.html
It also says it on Wikipedia.

As for JKs smile, she could be smiling because we got it wrong and she's going to fool us.
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Postby Simatra » Saturday 30 June 2007 10:18:56pm

Exectly! Boo to Regulas theory!!!! :x
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Monday 2 July 2007 2:37:05pm

Look at what I found!
Alphard - Perhaps derived from the dominant star in the constellation Alpha Hydra, the Water Serpent (a Slytherin reference?). Alphard can mean "the heart of the serpent" or in Arabic, "the solitary one." It lies to the southwest of the brighter star Regulus.

This is huge!
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