I saw the Hogwarts Express!!

Have you seen the movies, either in the cinema theatre, or on video or DVD, or thinking of seeing them? Share your views here.

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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Thursday 31 May 2007 8:18:26pm

Are you sure? I thought that John Cleese was the hiccuping guard? That'd be pretty wierd to kill yourself! :lol: And if he was John Cleese, than that means that we got to see his hair because he was one of the front three Python's in the which burning scene!
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 31 May 2007 10:20:40pm

No, John Cleese is the very tall eccentric one with dark brown short hair and looks like hes about to explode constantly, I think he is also the Black Knight....he does the Dead Parrot sketch too...hes in Faulty Towers and hes the eccentric Gambling organiser in the Rat Race movie too....hes the only one out of Monty Python I ever recognise.

I love the Witch burning scene, and yes he is in that, the tall one that does most of the talking in the crowd of peasants.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 8 June 2007 5:31:09pm

I live in England and I've never seen the Hogwarts Express. I too am jealous Scellanis! I'm only 60% sure but I think I read something about the Hogwarts Express getting vandalised again (some time ago) and it would have been about that time that I also read that they had managed to restore it back to former glory days.

Sounds to me like they may have had to film the scenes involving the HE once all the restoration works were complete. Or perhaps it could be they needed to extra scenes to bridge other scenes together.
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Re: I saw the Hogwarts Express!!

Postby Alice5130 » Monday 26 October 2009 4:31:53am

You are SO lucky! I wish I could see it in person. I'd be flashing my camera a million times per second. :double jump:
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