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by Scellanis » Friday 18 May 2007 1:03:26pm
Well I can't be absolutely certain at that distance but I don't know what other steam train would be on the move pulling I think 9 maroon carriages that looked awfully like the Hogwarts Express ones and also attracting that many photographers with fancy big cameras on tripods at every location where the road got remotely near to the train track.
Watched it for roughly half an hour or so running parallel to the road as I got the bus to Edinburgh on Wednesday. Guess this means they are filming something again.

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by DucksRMagical » Friday 18 May 2007 1:23:02pm
That's awesome!!!

Makes me wish I lived in England.

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by Simatra » Friday 18 May 2007 2:09:51pm
Ohhhh! I'm so envyous!

I too wish a lived in England. If I were you I've tried to get closer. Although I may not show it here. I'm a very adventurous person. "What can I say? I have a natrual curiosoty."
Too bad you're not sure if it's the real thing.


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by vortex of pain » Friday 18 May 2007 2:37:16pm
oooo. i really would have loved to see that, and maybe i will, 1 day
vortex of pain
by Scellanis » Friday 18 May 2007 8:57:02pm
Um...Scotland (not England)...I was going to Edinburgh...on a bus...short of leaping out the window how was I supposed to get closer while still get to Edinburgh....plus I'd need a new bus ticket and the train would already be gone by the time I got off the bus...
I am pretty sure anyway, there is nothing else it could be, just didn't see it close enough and haven't googled the train yet.

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by FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 19 May 2007 12:52:47pm
ahh! i'm so jealous! now i want to go to europe even more!

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by Scellanis » Saturday 19 May 2007 12:55:47pm
Yeah but...you wont see the Hogwarts Express in the rest of Europe, its filmed and lives in England and Scotland and Wales. You wont see it if you go to France or Germany etc.

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by Run Away!!! » Monday 21 May 2007 12:00:00am
That would be awesome, I hope it was the Hogwart's Express. I am jealous of England. But I suppose most people in England have as much chance of seeing anything as I do, I guess you have to be pretty lucky.

Run Away!!!
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by Simatra » Monday 21 May 2007 12:26:38am
You shouldn't be talking! You live in New Zealand. They film EVERYTHING in New Zealand!....except Harry Potter.....


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by FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 24 May 2007 9:08:05pm
and hardly anything ever gets filmed in the U.S.


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by GodrictheGriffon » Tuesday 29 May 2007 7:45:45pm
They had to refilm this scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail so they shot it on a hill just outside of London next to a pretty busy road and no one really looked twice at Michael Palin or Eric Idle(I forgot which one was Lancelot) in Medieval Armor just running up this hill. Monty Python wasn't shot in New Zealand or Australia. It was mostly shot in Scotland. But a bit in England and Wales, too.

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by Scellanis » Tuesday 29 May 2007 9:15:48pm
Wasn't Lancelot the loopy guy from Faulty Towers that looks like he is about to explode all the time...can't remember his name now though....

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by DucksRMagical » Wednesday 30 May 2007 5:17:35pm
Fawkes, they film plenty of movies in the U.S.! They just don't film them near where we live.

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by Scellanis » Wednesday 30 May 2007 9:42:56pm
John Cleese!!! Thats the guy...he was brave Sir Lancelot....

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by FawkesthePhoenix » Wednesday 30 May 2007 11:11:18pm
ooh! i love monty python!
i wish a movie would get filmed near us.

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