GG's heir too predictable??

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GG's heir too predictable??

Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 12 April 2003 3:52:33pm

I do actually think that Harry will probably turn out to be GG's heir in the 6th or 7th book, but I am wondering if maybe it's too predictable a thing to happen?

Mainly because, most of the really predictable things turn out not to be true... ie, snape being the bad guy in the first book, sirus trying to kill harry, moody being the bad guy by being barty crouch... they all turned out false...

So, does anyone else think that maybe HP being the heir is too predicatble?
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Postby Neo » Friday 18 April 2003 12:50:29am

Yes, actually I believed that too, although several things point toward that. But maybe after four books we have more idea as how things are in the magic world, of course all of us expect to be impressed again by Jo imagination. For example I wonder if Snape is going to try to return to Voldemort's circle as a spy, that would very easy to predict too.
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Postby Cougie » Saturday 19 April 2003 1:53:56am

Maybe he's heir of both GG and SS. Got both their qualities... James could be heir of GG and Lili could be heir of SS..??
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Postby Broken Machine » Sunday 20 April 2003 4:12:43am

Thats almost to crazy to fathom but all in the same a very cool notion. Besides James Potter was placed in Gryffendor because of his qualities to be a Gryffendor. It would be kind of lame if he was one of the heirs of Slytherin and like Harry chose to be placed in Gryffendor rather then Slytherin. Besides only a fool would pass on a chance to be a part of something as great as Slytherin house :evil: MUWHAHAHAHA
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 21 April 2003 3:53:13am


Let me get this right, lots of people thing that there is a possibility that HP could be the heir of Slytherin on his mothers side...

But Dumbledore said that Tom Riddle (voldie) was the LAST decendent of Slytherine, and Tom called himself the heir of slytherin... so how can there be another heir of slytherine if voldie was the last one? *ie, he fathered no children!*

So basically, I just don't get where the idea that Lily could be related or heir to Slytherine...
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Postby Hermione » Friday 25 April 2003 9:36:15pm

Besides, wasn't Lily in Gryffindor too? I think that theory is too farfetched . . .
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Postby Neo » Saturday 26 April 2003 6:54:41am

I'm sure Voldemort is related in some way to Lily, maybe in a way nobody knows, so in that case all believe Voldemort is the last decendant, but maybe it is Harry (I belive Lily and Voldemort could be half brothers, or something like that)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 27 April 2003 8:16:27am

Hrmm, just had an idea...

Say that Harry is to be the heir of Slytherin aswell, everyone seems to be of the opinion that if this does happen, it is because his mother, Lily, is somehow related to Voldemort...

But what if Voldemort this onto Harry when he tried to kill him, just like he passed on the ability to speak in parseltounge. Dumbledore believes that he might ahve passed on other powers too, right, so what if the heir of Slytherin business was one of them???

By the way, I don't actually think that this will happen, just something interesting to think over!!! :D
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Postby Neo » Monday 28 April 2003 1:44:25am

That's a good point, surely Harry will discover more things that Voldemort transmited him, but I don't believe too that it will be Slytherin's business.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 7 May 2003 12:24:38pm

Yeah, and after all, harry has never really shown any conflicting interets... He's never thought that maybe voldie wasnt' that bad, or that he might want to be in slytherine after all, or that killing mudbloods might not be a bad idea now that he thinks about it..

So I'd say that totally rules out this harry being the heir of slytherine business! :D
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Postby Neo » Thursday 8 May 2003 4:22:46am

Harry is not going to help Slytherin's bussinesses, but I wonder if part of his blood is from Slytherin, and that's why he has this kind of mixture of Gryffindor-Slytherin things (which seems to be the best of each house)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 10 May 2003 7:28:34am

I would have just thought that it was from the power transfer thing from Voldie... :-?
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Postby Neo » Sunday 11 May 2003 5:52:31am

But why did the transfer of powers had to happened, I mean why didn't the curse only returned to Voldemort?
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Postby Neo » Sunday 11 May 2003 5:54:50am

Maybe because the relation in the blood.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 12 May 2003 6:34:40am

maybe... I just dont' know...

there really isnt' any past precedence for spells backfiring tho, is there???
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