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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 21 April 2007 6:53:45pm

DD is (or was) 150, right? and professer marchbanks exaimined him for charms and transfiguration, so assuming pro. marchbanks was 45 at the time, then she's 190! talk about old! :eek:
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Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 21 April 2007 7:12:32pm

Where'd you read that DD was 150? :o I'm pretty sure he was not that old.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 22 April 2007 12:41:14am

i was reading some of the old threads and someone said that JK said DD was 150 in an interveiw.
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 22 April 2007 4:30:15pm

Well, older than that, because she told us that when the like 3 book came out.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 22 April 2007 6:09:49pm

so pro. marchbanks has got to be around 195!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 28 April 2007 1:07:40am

It's funny that you bring this up, I was just having a look at this the other day... I have the answer for you.

Generally the Lexicon timeline is pretty accurate - as accurate as they can make it, and as accurate as anything you could find...

So anyway in 1997 (the year of his death) Dumbledore was 153, but we don't know what birthday is so it's impossible to say whether he'd had it that year or not. Dumbledore sat his NEWTs in 1862.

Griselda Marchbanks again on the Lexicon that she was probably born circa 1830... which means of course that at the time of Dumbledore sitting his NEWTs she was 32, and at the time of his death around 167.

But just to point something out:

DD is (or was) 150, right? and professer marchbanks exaimined him for charms and transfiguration, so assuming pro. marchbanks was 45 at the time, then she's 190! talk about old!

No way is she 190+. Sorry. Even by those stats there if she was 45 testing Dumbeldore for his NEWTs she would only be 180.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 28 April 2007 5:37:20pm

whoops! :oops: now i feel stupid.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 29 April 2007 3:52:52am

No need to at all, it was a great idea to check... a good point most people would have missed about how old Marchbanks would be.

It's just the point that if Marchbanks was 45, and Dumbledore was 17, it only makes her 28 years old than him. Not like 40...
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