I think he must have been hot stuff when he was younger. He slightly reminds me of Heathcliff, from Wuthering Heights...I know, I have a disturbed mind. But I think Heathcliff is lovely, at least when he's younger...
by Luna_Puella » Wednesday 13 November 2002 2:31:42pm
I guess I would pick Ron Weasly, too. Even though I'm a girl, I'm so much like him. I come from a big family, LOVE sweets, and I'm terrified of spiders! I also have older siblings, so I get alot of hand-me-downs.
Not in the books, but in the movies, Filch is my favorite character, b/c he has that way of being funny and sort of mean at the same time, like when he's telling hagrid to get over norbert
I like Snape's attitude, it is very cool to read how he treats students in a different way, and I really like when it seems he is able to read Harry's mind.
I don't really like Snape, but I think that he's they type of person that you aren't supposed to love! It's an awesome character though!
I also really like how he's not really on the bad guy side, yet he still really despises Harry! Not that I have any problems with Harry, it's just that it's good that not everyone fawns all over him!
Yeah, I think I know. It's good for the book and it good for Harry. I think if Snape didn't treat him that way, Harry would become exactly like his father. And I have to say, I dón't really like James Potter...