Draco Malfoy . . .

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Draco Malfoy . . .

Postby Shape Shifter 7 » Thursday 17 April 2003 2:15:53am

I am in hopeless love with him. is there any cure?
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Postby Hermione » Thursday 17 April 2003 1:24:05pm

Why not try reminding yourself that he doesn't exist? :lol: :razz:
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Friday 18 April 2003 2:14:37am

seriously, how can you be in love with a character from a book?
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Postby Broccoli » Sunday 20 April 2003 7:04:18pm

I think you can... Well at least I was in love with a character from a TV series, namely Methos... :grin:
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Postby Beccaroo » Sunday 20 April 2003 10:45:57pm

oooh, i'm constantly falling in love with people from books and films that don't exsist. It's a bad habit of mine, i really should try and stop...sigh!
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 21 April 2003 1:03:14am

yeah, you should
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Postby Hermione » Monday 21 April 2003 1:22:23pm

And Draco Malfoy isn't even nice . . . oh well. I shouldn't be the one talking, since I have a major crush on one of the biggest jerks I've ever met. *sigh*
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Postby GreenViper 1.0 » Wednesday 14 May 2003 7:02:39am

Sssorry to ssay this,but malfoy(I won't even write it with a capital),is a complete idiot,giving Ssslytherin a worse name!I mite as well walk over to him and bite him,you may not see him living only for a few minutes.Hisss!!

Just think about this..Malfoy did want to be friends with Harry,you shouldn't sssay Potter is rude,b/c P. knew that he only wanted it ssso he would be fameouss too.And draco speakssss ugly too.
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 6:34:14am

Maybe Shape you feel like you are Pansy Parkinson... just a thought
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 19 May 2003 2:14:50am

GreenViper 1.0 wrote:Sssorry to ssay this,but malfoy(I won't even write it with a capital),is a complete idiot,giving Ssslytherin a worse name!

::Is greatly offended::
Malfoy? Idiot? Worse Name? No way! Without even going in to how gorgeous he is, he's by far the most interesting character in all of the books. In later books his personality could go either way - for good or ill, and I think it's that aspect that makes me like him as a character so much. He may come across as a bit unforgiving, but I think it's an excellent character trait that really defines him. And of all the "mean" things he's done to Harry, I really can't think of one that was that destructive. He's taunted and teased him quite a lot, but nothing he's done has had that much of a detrimental effect. Oh yes, and he's damn sexy.
::Steps off Soap-box::

And being obsessed with literary characters is completely normal. I was madly in love with Huckleberry Finn for about eight years. And Sidney Carton/Charles Darnay. And Hamlet. And Ralph in Lord of the Flies. And Ender. Meh, am done now...:oops:
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Postby Neo » Monday 19 May 2003 5:32:55pm

Now we know why you read so much Blaise, ;)

But I mean, Draco is an interesting character, but not that much really, I think that he is too predictable.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 19 May 2003 11:49:52pm

yeah, i hate malfoy, he's a real jerk to everyone who isn't in slytherin

and just a request for greenviper, i know it's your style and whatever, but could you not put multiple s's unless the word has two s's next to eachother, it's quite annoying
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 20 May 2003 3:56:04am

Yeah, 12321 is right, please stop that.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 20 May 2003 10:18:00am

I think Draco has indeed been rather predictable until now, but I believe he will do something that is going to surprise us...maybe he will neither join Voldie nor fight on Harry's side, but I can't think of any other option...what d'you think?
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Postby littlelib » Tuesday 20 May 2003 2:57:25pm

Yeah if you fancy anyone it has to be Ron!! :grin:
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