And the release date is...

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 7 February 2007 7:38:47pm

I heard that the 6th movie will come out on the 18th of nNovember or something like that.

Is that the same year or the year after?
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Wednesday 7 February 2007 9:44:52pm

2007, I belive. I saw it on a trailer o youtube.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 8 February 2007 4:48:46am

Scarlet Lioness wrote:I wonder when it'll be in New Zealand...


Usually the same time.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Thursday 8 February 2007 8:58:07pm

I'm looking for a t-shirt to wear to the mid-night release and premire. What do you guys think?: Political and HP, Buckbeak, Sirius, Harry, SPEW, Montage of everything, Something with a release date on it, wizard food or candy, the other characters, a love one, image from movie or book, anything majical, other majical creatures, or HP in general?
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 9 February 2007 12:58:09am

GodrictheGriffon wrote:I'll make another promise.

Scarlet, I promise that I won't tell you about the seventh book if I get it before you.
That goes for everyone.


Same day! :grin: But NZ is about 11 or 13hrs ahead of you guys. :grin:
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 9 February 2007 9:30:55pm

NO FAIR! :grin: How do you know where I live anyways? :-?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 10 February 2007 6:19:54am

Same day! :grin: But NZ is about 11 or 13hrs ahead of you guys. :grin:

That's why we're often the first in the world to get things, if only by a few hours :grin: .
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Saturday 10 February 2007 3:59:20pm

I'm Moving To New Zealand! :lol:
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 11 February 2007 7:10:29pm

i'm going to the midnight party at the book store. and i'm going to the midnight showing of the 5th movie. i'm gonna dress up liks a charactor for both.
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Postby Queen Zixi » Sunday 11 February 2007 10:02:53pm

Knowing myself and my family, I will most probably end up seeing a documentry with my parents. Then I will wait two months, see the movie, and leave noty feeling very impressed.
Pretty much the same as every movie...

As for the books, I wait until they are 30% off at target & I don't have to worry about anyone attacking me for something as petty as a book.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 11 February 2007 10:31:38pm

Unless I can't get it! Then you're my next target! :evil grin:
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Postby Queen Zixi » Sunday 11 February 2007 10:45:01pm

You dare inflict the wrath of the Queen of Ix, who has been 16 for over 800 years? Deny not my power. Ok, so maybe I got taught a lesson by that boy & his sister, but I am still cool. I just have a more lenient foreign policy.

I do not like the looks of these release dates. I have the funny feeling soemthing big in the real world is going to happen & they will be changed.
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Postby Simatra » Tuesday 13 February 2007 6:47:02pm

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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Tuesday 13 February 2007 9:41:40pm

I think along the same lines as Queen Ix. Maybe something really violent. Crowded places, you know? But this is just a guess! Please nobody worry! My guesses are usually wrong!
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Tuesday 13 February 2007 9:44:48pm

Sorry to double post, but I realize now that it was a really stupid thing to say. Please can one of you brilliant moderators take care of that? Sorry.
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