Will Harry die?

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Will Harry die?

Total votes : 117

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 29 December 2006 3:43:11am

I certainly don't want Harry to die. If Harry dies, that means Voldemort won't and the whole wizarding world would be in big trouble. I'm sure someone else significant will die. Ron or Hermione or Ginny maybe.
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Postby Alexandra » Thursday 4 January 2007 9:35:06pm

If anyone has to die I will be glad if Ron or Ginny dies.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 5 January 2007 8:03:18pm

why glad? :-?
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Postby Alexandra » Saturday 13 January 2007 11:23:25pm

Because I don't like them too much and because there will be a lot of tallking about it, the book will be very interesting.
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