Book 7 Title - Don't look if you don't want to know.

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Book 7 Title - Don't look if you don't want to know.

Postby Eol » Thursday 21 December 2006 3:36:01pm

JK has just posted the title of Book 7 on her website. You have to get through the door and then solve a hangman puzzle to find it.

The title is................. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Bloomsbury have confirmed the title.
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Postby lovegood63 » Thursday 21 December 2006 9:23:36pm

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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 22 December 2006 6:41:21am

So, what does everyone think the title means??
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 22 December 2006 10:40:18am

Hmm That's a tough one. What on earth is a hallow anyway? sorry am I being dim? I guess I should look it up in a dictionary or something! I think the Inferi and Dementors are definitely going to play some sort of part in the final bit of the book and that LV will be commanding them as JKR pretty much says so on her website at the moment.
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Postby Eol » Friday 22 December 2006 10:49:23am

I'm not really sure what hallow means, This is the first time I've heard it. I know that Hallowed means a place that's considered holy, but it doesn't really fit with the story. I suppose its where the final showdown is going to be.
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Postby sorcerer83 » Friday 22 December 2006 3:53:24pm

i thought hallow is like a saint, a holy man... as in halloween (which in hebrew is called night of all the saints)
in the english-hebrew dictionary i use however, it says that hallow is a verb which means to make something holy (to sanctify ; to revere, to exalt )
ok i just checked it on an english-english (webster's) dictionary and it says:

hallow1 vt: a. to make holy or sacred; sanctify; consecrate. b. to regard as holy; honor as sacred; venerate

hallow2 vi, vt, interj, n: same as halloo

halloo vi, vt -looed', loo'ing [to follow after with much noise]: shout or call out in order to attract the attention of (a person)
b. to urge on (hounds) by shouting or calling out "halloo"
c. to shout or yell as in greeting or surprise -interj, n: a shout or call especially one to attract a person's attention or to urge on hounds in hunting
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Postby Simatra » Friday 22 December 2006 11:05:23pm

Well, Now we know those others we guessed arn't right! :lol:
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Postby sorcerer83 » Saturday 23 December 2006 2:11:27am

have u got any ideas what the meaning for the book is? i have a few very vague ideas but theyre nothing concrete

onr thing i saw in an israeli site is that it may have to do with halloween - the night harrys parents died
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Saturday 23 December 2006 2:49:46am

It could be something to do with Halloween.

As in All Hallows Eve...didn't Harry's parents get murdered on Halloween??

Hallows...hmmm..maybe there's a new place called The Hallows but the final battle occurs there and then is re-named Deathly Hallows...or maybe its a Holy Cemetary..

I dunno! Just a few theories...
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Postby annachie » Monday 25 December 2006 10:10:32pm

Hallows also has a reference to the saints etc.

Personally, I'm suspecting it's going to relate to objects of Hogwarts founding fathers. Slytherin's ring, Gryffendor's sword etc.
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Postby Hermione-Granger » Tuesday 26 December 2006 9:17:00pm

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows....that sounds creapy!!!
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Postby selene » Wednesday 27 December 2006 4:01:41pm

is it possible that 'deathly' is just an adjective as in death-like? and halloween being the 'veil' of death being at its weakest, is it possible that the title is just a little tidbit into the book of little importance (for example: goblet of fire, half-blood prince. both could be taken out and a small change could keep it on track)

i also found this on
Tentative foreign Book 7 titles, the Dutch publisher of the Harry Potter books, has listed Harry Potter en het Fatale Heiligdom as the working title for Book 7. This is not the literal translation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and translates as "Deadly Shrine," "Deadly Sanctuary" or "Deadly Saints." The literal Dutch translation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows would be Harry Potter en de Dodelijke Heiligen.

In addition, it has been reported that the Finnish title will be Harry Potter ja kuoleman pyhimykset, which translates as "The Saints of Death."

UPDATE: Some readers have sent in some other translations of the title that are being reported by news stations/websites:

"Harry Potter und die todbringenden Heiligen" (German)
"Harry Potter et les saints mortuaires/mortels" (French, "Deathly/Mortal Saints")
"Harry Potter y los santos de la muerte" (Spanish, "Saints of Death")
"Harry Potter e l rito moratle" (Italian, "Deadly Ritual")
"Harry Potter e os Santos Mortuários" (Portuguese, "Deathly Saints")
"Harry Potter ve Olumcul Takdis" (Turkish, "Deadly Blessing")
"Hari Poter i Smrtonosni Blagoslovi" (Serbian)
"Harry Potter si Ingerii Mortii" (Romanian, "Angels of Death")
"Harry Potter i sveci smrtnici" (Croatian, "Mortal Saints")
"Harry Potter ve Hakdoshim Hamemitim" (Hebrew, "Deathly Saints")

Please be reminded that these are only tentative titles; the definitive titles will appear at a later stage

i must say, they only make the mystery more intriguing to me
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 28 December 2006 7:08:46am

I quite like Harry Potter and the Angels of Death, the Romanian version that selene just pointed out.

I think I'd prefer that as our title, to be honest. I wonder if it was one of the three JKR wrote she was thinking about.

From the fact that mot of the other names have something to do with saints or angels, I'd say that the fact the murder of Harry's parents was on Halloween is no coincedence... and that Halloween will play a role.
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Postby Q.Araignee » Thursday 28 December 2006 7:24:25pm

Well, the two other titles JKR thought about were 'Harry Potter and the Hogwarts' Hallows', and 'Harry Potter and the Hallows of Hogwarts'. (I think I read that on the Leaky Cauldron site, but I can't find it at the moment. Might have been Mugglenet, I'm not sure...) So I think it's quite safe to assume that whatever these Hallows have to do with the plot, they're within the Hogwarts Grounds.

Which does make some sense- I mean, three of the Horcruxes once belonged to one of the Founders; Voldemort spent a lot of time researching the true history of Hogwarts, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if there are hidden areas of Hogwarts that no one has been in for thousands of years- the Chamber of Secrets, for example- and that there isn't a record of. The Founders must have had some secrets that remained as such.
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Postby Hermione-Granger » Friday 29 December 2006 2:10:28pm

offtopic: Wow! I'm from Romania... Is there anybody from Romania.

ontopic: But not all the translations meen the same...
Auch! "Mortal" Croation and French. That sounds realy creapy!!! :o :-? :D
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