Dumbledore's alive

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Dumbledore's alive

Postby dancingqueen17210 » Friday 13 January 2006 2:33:06am

This may be one of the most far-fetched things to think, but what if Dumbledore is still alive?
When Malfoy was on North Tower with Dumbledore, and he wasn't killing Dumbledore, and Malfoy was saying that he has to kill Dumbledore, or else he'd be killed, Dumbledore responds: "He cannot kill you if you are not really dead."
Well maybe this was a kind of throw in JK did, to give us some foreshadowing or something. Maybe Dumbledore had made a plan with Snape to "fake" a death. Something else that can support this is when Hagrid overheard Snape and Dumbledore fighting, about how Snape didn't wan to do.. something. Well maybe that something isn't what we thought it was. Maybe Snape was trying to get out of the plan (the pretend to kill Dumbledore pan) , because of the Unbreakable Vow?
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Postby Lone_Buck » Friday 13 January 2006 2:41:04am

As much as i want him to still be alive, i think his death was a necessary one. It's supposed to culminate in a one on one Harry vs. Voldemort, and i don't think dumbledore would stand by and watch if he was alive. There's no one to stand between Harry and Voldemort anymore.

The one wildcard that still remains is snape. I believe that he also has to die for the story to progress, and that he will redeam himself before being killed, finally ending all the doubts that have been circulating snape throughout the books.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 15 January 2006 7:23:25pm

Yeah, what about the time Snape and DD looked into each other's eyes? DD could have been using legilimency to tell Snape to kill him. Then DD said, "Please Severus...". Anyway, how could DD have "faked" falling off the N. Tower? And why did Fawkes lament his death? Oh yes and in HBP it read:

It was true that Harry had not found a way that Dumbledore could be alive, like he did Sirius...

So it looks like Harry doesn't approve of DD is alive theories....
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Postby malfoy_is_good1719 » Monday 16 January 2006 4:03:52pm

No, i really think Dumbledore is dead. Like another person said, this seems to be a crusial death, because now Harry is all alone. He doesn't ahve anybody else to stand in front of him. Well, actully, there could be one more person, but that's not going to happen, so nevrmind the last aprt.
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Postby Asphodel » Monday 16 January 2006 11:49:32pm

Uh yeah, that's probably why Harry doesn't like these theories, you just have to accept a death...
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Postby uggy » Wednesday 1 February 2006 4:34:37pm

Yeah i think dumbledore is really dead :( :( :(
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Postby pandora315 » Thursday 2 February 2006 3:05:44pm

It seems as though DD would have to be dead- so many things point to it. There are many inanswered questions though especially surrounding Snape and his actions....I guess you just have to ask yourself if all the unanswered questions are just to make us all talk ourselves in circles, or if there is more too them.

I for one am still remembering how DD says he would trust Hagrid with his life....
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Postby iluvharrypotter123 » Monday 16 October 2006 4:46:16pm

Uh yeah, that's probably why Harry doesn't like these theories, you just have to accept a death...

Yet Harry doesn't seem to have done that. He hasn't accepted Dumbledore's nor Sirius'. [/quote]
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Postby Eol » Monday 16 October 2006 10:25:17pm

Harry's accepted both of their deaths. He accepted Sirius' at the beginning of the book "It's hard to realise that he won't write to me anymore"
He also accepted Dumbledore's death at the funeral, when he realised there's nobody to stand in front of him anymore.

Also, at no point did Dumbledore say to Malfoy "can you kill someone if they aren't really dead". His portrait's hanging in the principle's office and his body's encased in stone by the lake. As sad as it is to say, Dumbledore is dead.
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Postby Simatra » Tuesday 17 October 2006 8:00:26pm

I agree... And it'd be too Che' shi to bring him back.

Harry: Um...

DD: No. I'm not really dead. It was an optital illuion.

Harry: That's it. I've finally lost it.

( DD is Humming While Harry is banging his head on a wall.)
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Postby demoniclime » Wednesday 22 November 2006 6:05:08am

I also think Dumbledore is really dead, and the people at dumbledoreisnotdead.com just don't want to believe it.
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 22 November 2006 9:03:44pm

Is there a SiriusBlackIsNotDead.com? :grin: Just kidding! Spotty and I both agree that DD is dead, sadly... :cry:
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Postby Asphodel » Friday 24 November 2006 3:36:38am

I always thought that Dumbledore must be dead too. Until i went browsing the Leaky-cauldron, and noticed on essay on DD not being dead. Don't worry I thought it was going to be another one of "those" arguments, but it wasn't, it actually was quite convincing. Here's the URL:

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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 24 November 2006 3:23:01pm

Sorry to stop a subject dead but she did say this summer that he definitely was dead
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 25 November 2006 2:31:27am

That's much appreciated. I think it's about time we concentrate on something else.
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