Just afew questions...

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Just afew questions...

Postby draconeedsahug » Friday 16 June 2006 9:14:37pm

Just a few niggly questions I'd like to know the answer to...

1. What did Lily and James do to amass such a fortune?
2. Why does Voldemort call Peter Pettigrew, Wormtail?

Be grateful if you could answer!
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 17 June 2006 12:28:55am

Pettigrew got the name wormtail from the Marauders.

You know..
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

I guess it just kinda stuck with him.
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Postby annachie » Saturday 17 June 2006 1:02:46am

You know the two most obvious ways for their money that I can think of are the old fashioned way, and James playing pro quiddich.
Somehow I think that seekers would get all the lucrative endorsement deals.

So who here thinks that James Potter is loosely based on David Beckham? :D
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Postby Chimera » Saturday 17 June 2006 10:06:03am

The pro-Quidditch idea is possible, but unlikely. For any member of the order (besides Dumbledore) to be a celebrity would be a wee bit suicidal. Perhaps he had dough in the family.
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Postby sorcerer83 » Monday 19 June 2006 10:21:16am

as well as i understand all those way back pure blood families one of whom james came from, are those conservative, aristocratic, rich families, so money in the family is a good idea...

but i think the quidditch idea is very likely too, i dont think that the order people lived underground or anything - maybe people didnt know about the order or that these people were part of the order but they didnt live secretly - certainly not james and lily - there were well known in the wizarding community - think about it they excelled in hogwarts which is a bit like harvard or one of those places, only in a very small, confided community.
besides i think they say something about james playing pro quidditch even for the national team maybe, in one of the first three books
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Postby draconeedsahug » Thursday 22 June 2006 8:30:15pm

I meant why would Voldemort call Peter Wormtail when it was just a silly nickname he had at school?
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Postby annachie » Friday 23 June 2006 1:04:44am

Because it's insulting. It's degrading. Probably even accurate.
Because Voldy likes to put people down.
Voldy is nothing but controlling, and seriously likes for his followers to know their place, and Peter's is way down the bottom.
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Postby sorcerer83 » Friday 23 June 2006 5:26:58pm

i'm not sure about that - i'm sure vold does not appriciate wormtail much, or almost at all, but he likes him - as much as vold can like anything, pretty much now that he has shown his loyalty when not many others did
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