Umbridge=Trevor the toad?

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Umbridge=Trevor the toad?

Postby Jackman » Wednesday 22 March 2006 2:05:18am

I think that the idea of Trevor always going missing can't be a coincedence. Sure it was a laugh in the first book, but can you see how in the HP5 they didn't mention Trevor, why because Neville thinks that he is gone for good and got over it durning the summer. Umbridge could be a spy for the ministry or for Voldemort, exept Sirius did say that the world isn't made up of death eaters, yet he could be wrong. Also that would be very ingenius plot, no one would suspect that there would be another animagus pet in Hogwarts. It would be a shock to all the readers, and then they would think "Oh!!!!!!!! I should have noticed, I'm such an idiot!" And she LOOKS LIKE A TOAD!! Sirius laughs and looks somewhat like a dog, Riter Skeeter's eye's lookes like a beatle's, Prof. McGonagall looks and acts like the cat she transforms into, and Wormtail is a very rodentlike person with his front paw. What do you think???? do the poll!

[edited to remove multitidinously excessive question-marks in Subject title - Paul]
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 22 March 2006 8:55:27am

I think just maybe that the whole animagus this has been done a little too much for that to come true.

That wouldn't make me react at all like what I did with Rita. I'd probably just groan. Especially now.
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Postby sorcerer83 » Friday 14 April 2006 6:42:28am

i laughed when i first read the title, and now - i still think it's crzay, but i suppose nothing in these books will surprise me, i spose it's a good idea
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Re: Umbridge=Trevor the toad?

Postby TheLittleLestrange » Monday 15 August 2011 7:43:23pm

I Kinda like the idea, but I don't think it would happen because of the whole Scabbers thing... I t would be a repetative? :)
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