A collection of poetry by me! read and review?

Try your skills at writing. A place for any non-Harry Potter fan fiction or writing of your own. Write your own original fan fics or even a completely original story here.

Moderators: DucksRMagical, Un'Anima Persa

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 1 February 2006 6:47:30am

Very nice.

We know what you do in your spare time :o ...

It's very good, yes.

All the compliments have been taken, really...

If only you could truly see
The pain you've caused inside of me.
If I were to fade away...
You wouldn't hear the words I'd say
You'd turn around and close your ears
Because you'd hear the things you fear.
I'm not as solid as I seem
The life I'm living is only your dream..
You can't run though, you cant hide.
I'm right here; you can't shove me aside.
You've caused me pain, now its finally your turn.
Your turn to hurt and your turn to learn.
Your turn to feel and your turn to burn.
Your turn to crash and your turn to die.
Your turn to decay, in a sewer of lies.

My favourite. A few times in the others they were a little.. hmm... repetitive maybe, but the vocab in this one was a lot better. A bit slow at the start hbut it peaked at just the right time at the end with the sewer of lies.
Didn't like the rhyming at the very start though.

It gave it a great effect at the end. Really enjoyed reading it.

Love to see more.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Wednesday 1 February 2006 10:45:54pm

yeah, i dont do much rhyming things. I'm not so good at it...


I wish I could make rhymes flow...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 2 February 2006 9:21:20am

Poetry can either bore me or interest me. There's a very fine line most of the time.

Could never get the knack for writing it either.

I'll stick to what I'm good at.
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