Hogwarts, a Horcrux?

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Is Hogwarts a Horcrux?

Yep. Seems very likely
Pshhhh. Naw, the chances are slim.
Total votes : 16

Hogwarts, a Horcrux?

Postby Un'Anima Persa » Thursday 5 January 2006 12:52:27am

Is it possible?

I mean... it seems perfect, right?

If it was destroyed, well then the students and their families wouldnt be safe which would make them more vulnerable and him more powerful.


If they didnt Voldemort would still exist, even if and after he loses his body.

I dont think they ever said how big or small an object coould be... so why not the place that would go for Voldemort either way?
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 5 January 2006 1:40:50am

Okay..... I responded but seeing as it's gone...

I think it's possible. How he would make Hogwarts without anyone noticing is beyond me. It could be that the chamber of secrets is a horcrux though...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 January 2006 10:21:52am


Then why aren't people crippled every time they touch its walls? Or walk on its floors?

Don't see it, guys... :-? :o
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 9 January 2006 3:44:01am

Why should they be crippled? It's better for a Horcrux not to draw attention to it, apart from maybe the diary which was intended to be a weapon. Voldemort does guard his Horcruxes with dark spells, but if he'd used Hogwarts, that wouldn't be necessary. Unless combined with other spells, a Horcrux is just a part of a soul bound to an object, and unless you have a special Horcrux tracking devise, I don't see how you could find out. It wouldn't even make Harry's scar hurt, seeing it didn't cause him any trouble when he was dealing with the diary. And Voldemort had access to Hogwarts, that day when he went asking Dumbledore for the job (which DD was sure he didn't want or expect to be given). It was then that Voldemort had to realize he wouldn't be able to ever search Hogwarts for items relating to the founders, so what would be more plausible than take the castle itself instead? He was able to perform magic unhindered and undetected on the Hogwarts grounds, as you can see by the curse on the DADA position. Tom Riddle was more attached to Hogwarts than he's ever been to a person. In HBP, it says

Hogwarts was where he (Tom) had been happiest; the first and only place he had felt at home.
Harry felt slightly uncomfortable at these words, for this was exactly how he felt about Hogwarts, too

Not only does it show Tom's feelings about Hogwarts which makes it likely for him to consider making it a Horcrux, but also hints at Harry's very own dilemma should he ever be faced with the need to destroy Hogwarts. A hero's sacrifice, anyone?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 9 January 2006 9:57:49am

No doubts, it would be the ultimate collectors horcrux.


Surely you just can't make any object you want into one? Wouldn't there be protective spells on Hogwarts... you couldn't just do it...

Hold on.. I've got an idea!

Maybe that's what Voldemort is working towards. Could that be his goal?

Having Hogwarts as a horcrux would make him truly immortal, because the school can't really be destroyed, from what we've seen. The buildings themselves are protected by a magic so powerful none could actually destroy Hogwarts, surely?

Could that be the ultimate immortality? An unbreakable horcrux? :-?
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 9 January 2006 4:51:15pm

Yeah, I've wondered about those protection spells as well. Do they stop Hogwarts from being made a Horcrux? Did the founders even consider that possibility? I mean, it's certainly not an every day thing to do.

Helga: Okies, let's see:

-Avada Kedavra resistance spell: check.
-Muggle protection: check.
-Fire-proof spells, storm-repelling charms, anti-flood enchantments:check.
-Anti-Apparation: check.

Forgot anything?

Rowena, to Godric: Let's make up a spell that makes Hogwart Horcrux-resistant, just in case some insane offspring of Salazar's feels to urge to make himself immortal...

A part of his soul encased in the Hogwarts walls. I think that would be Voldemort's ultimate triumph. But of course you're right, there would still be the question if Hogwarts could be destroyed at all. In HBP, Avada Kedavra just bounced off the walls, while it usually destroys any object it hits. Can you imagine how terrible that would be for Harry, to have to think of a clever way to destroy Hogwarts? Oh, the drama... *g*
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 11 January 2006 10:13:25am

There has to be some way to destroy the school! Surely!

Or maybe...

Maybe the horcrux isn't Hogwarts?

But maybe it's still in Hogwarts..

Do you think it could be Tom Riddle's Special Services to the School Trophy?
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 11 January 2006 9:05:30pm

It's been thought of. A general consensus agreed that the trophy never had the prestige or fancyness of things belonging to the other founders
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 12 January 2006 6:13:14am

Yeah, I don't think LV thought the trophy as valuable as some other artifacts he would've liked. I think the safest thing for LV would be to make his horcruxes like everyday items, like soda cans. But he is far to cocky for that.
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Postby Bextra » Thursday 12 January 2006 11:15:24am

I wonder if his dad's a horcrux or something? Coz I bet that he already knew about horcruxes and just wanted to confirm his beliefs about the number 7 making the most powerful ones.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 13 January 2006 9:45:14am

You mean his father's bones?

Hmm, that'd be strange, but it could work. It really could.

I've had an idea.

If Voldemort didn't have seven horcruxes when his downfall came about (which we have been told DD thought was/is the case.) then it could very possibly be Tom Riddle Snr's bones.

And he could have used Cedric's murder.

No, wait, he couldn't... Wormtail did that. But the wand did it.

You know, it could still be his wand...
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Postby Bextra » Friday 13 January 2006 9:58:34am

Oooooo Yeah! I actually had a clever idea there! Lol, for once.

I don't think it is the wand because the wand could get lost or stolen or something, and then what if it came to be in Harry's hands and that was another of the Horcruxes gone. I mean wouldn't you rather make it something magical, but like, completely useless? And then guard it with a bunch of spells?
Because if the person that finds out that the wands a Horcrux then they'd destroy that and then pop LV off as well. What a complete waste of time, for the person getting rid of them and Voldemort.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 13 January 2006 10:21:08am

I would say that if Lord Voldemort's wand could be taken off him, he'd deserve to die.

It would be a lot harder to strip him of his wand than... an old cup lying in a basement somewhere.
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Postby Bextra » Friday 13 January 2006 10:24:50am

Maybe when he's sleeping?

That reminds me, does anyone know if LV actually does sleep? Or is he not human enough to need that sort of stuff?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 13 January 2006 10:43:52am

He may do.

But he doesn't need to. He wouldn't die from having no sleep. No idea whether his body would need it though.
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