Hogwarts Spring Dance

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby Asphodel » Monday 7 November 2005 6:04:27am

WGWGE shakily raises his wand, points it at Morphena and recites a curse he had only read of in fairy tale books:

When evil doth rule the land
and ever is cloaked in darkness,
when the wrath of the curse has been set,
let all good and evil clash to a bitter end

Let all wrath be forwarned,
For he who doth tries to killeth his brother,
He shall be killed...
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 7 November 2005 6:17:36am

As Stephanie's head rests against her newly found boyfriend's shoulder, she opens her eyes as the sway to the music...

She looks over his shoulder's and sees Morphena Dumbledore and the potions master, in a fight....

She prays they don't ruin this night for her...It's one of the best, EVER!!!
Closing her eyes again she keeps close to Eric...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 7 November 2005 6:22:26am

Morphena closed his eyes and concentrated on the spell.
WGWGEs spell was too weak, but it had done enough damage to delay him to run to Harry's side.
It was now or never. Morphena lowered the wand, counted to three, and released the magic...
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 7 November 2005 6:56:45am

Steph could feel powerful magic swirling around the room...the windows had started shaking...the room had strted getting quieter, the band had stopped playing, everyones head turned towards Morphena and Harry.

Then Steph caught Morphena's eye...there was hatred and disgust in his eyes, she turned away there was too much power in those eyes...her Veela blood was boiling...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 7 November 2005 7:23:26am

Morphena saw the shock in the girl's eyes. He looked around at others, that were staring in horror. Was this what it was all about? Was there nothing to achieve by doing this?
It was too late. The magic released itself. It could not be contained any longer within a wand.
"Noo!" Screamed Harry. But it was too late. The spell hit him with a force unparalleled by anything Harry could conjure. His child would never see him grow old, and he would never see his child grow up. His wife would grow old without him, after all they had been through together.
All was lost. The Boy Who Lived, was dead.

Morphena Dumbledore, was a murderer.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 27 December 2005 5:25:59am

The night had taken a very interesting turn.

Harry Potter was dead, and that's all there was to it.

The dance went on though, and nobody got ushered away into there dormitories. The Headmaster liked to keep the spirit of things going, and, all in all, it was a very good piece of magic.

Morphena begged the dead body for mercy, and cried a terrible cry. Then he noticed a glint in Harry's robe pocket. It was a Time Turner.

Maybe all was not lost after all.
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Postby rivsfan » Tuesday 27 December 2005 5:49:58am

He goes and tries to grab it but as he reaches out to touch it.... harry grabs him! Little does he know that harry is now alive!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 27 December 2005 6:08:45am

Morphena pulls away with the Time-Turner just in time, just as Harry summons a wand and attack.

He turns it over five times...

And for him, the world turns.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 29 December 2005 10:08:38am

Steph looked over to where Morphena had just dissapeared, damnit...

Steph went to Eric and gave him a hug...tears were rolling down her face, Eric held her close...Steph sighed deeply, and continued to dance with him...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 30 December 2005 5:42:03am

The Time-Turner flared, and spun, and Morphena walked in the halls of time until he landed with a thud on the ground.
This is what he saw:

Morphena hears the muttering around the hall of "show-off." Though he's dancing with the most beautiful girl in the school, rage flows through him. Why did Dad teach me all this stuff?!?! I just wanna be normal! He whispers to his partner that he's going to go for a walk outside. She doesn't want to come, and goes and gets herself a drink.
He opens the door and walks down the entrance hall, glancing at all the kissing couples trying to hide but not doing very well. He opens the great door and walks down the steps out into the grounds.
Sitting down on the ground in agony and rage from the years of neglect and little love from his ather and the students around him, and having to create an image that wasn't himself, Morphena collapses and tenses his fists. His wand is out in front of him. He has no control over himself. He yearns for power! He engulfs himself in a mighty flame and burns him like no flame has ever burnt before. The fire rips into him, and he becomes one with the dark.
Morphena has eyes of flame and wields power greater than no other.
It's time to go back inside.

"No!" Morphena screams, and jumps in front of him. He would never let it control him again. Morphena himself knows his power. And he had the element of surprise.

Morphena Dumbledore killed himself, that day of the Spring Dance. For he never wished to live again in the harmful future, where Harry had died. Where he had no love, and no life...
There was only death for him there.

The future changed...

The Dance went on. There would be no death.

The dance always went on.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 1 January 2006 5:48:41am

Jeremy Pinkets, Jerry as he's called walked through the dark hallways. "Who needs them?" he muttered reassuringly to himself, "It's just a dumb dance," He heard music coming from down the corridor, he heard the footsteps of the caretaker coming. "Oh whatever!" he thought and ran back down to the dance. Things seemed to have continued smoothly. He sat down and said loudly, "I don't have a partner any takers?" and of course they just laughed, like they always do they laugh. He hated it when they laugh. That thin merciless laugh. He hated it.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 1 January 2006 6:05:17am

Morphena sat in the decorated Entrance Hall, thinking.
Then he stood up, and decided to join the dance again. His date had run away... but no matter, he'd find someone.

He morphed his appearance, and did what was rarely done and changed his height and few inches down. He then changed his hair colour to a deep black, and forced a pale tan. He cleaned his teeth too.

He inspected himself. That would do.
Then he thought of an alias to go by.

Aberforth, he thought. Yes, that would do.
Aberforth... he saw a professor trot into the Great Hall.

Aberforth Firenze.
Lovely name, he decided.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 1 January 2006 10:40:15pm

Jerry noticed a pale boywalking toward him, he jumped up, "Hi! I'm Jerry what's your name?"
The pale boy looked at him with disdain before saying, "I don't care to tell to you," and stalked away. Jerry seemed to know the boy from somewhere, "Hey," he said to a prefect, "what's the name of that kid?"
"Aberforth," the prefect responded simply.
"Aberforth," Jerry muttered to himself, "don't know him, but why do I feel as if I know him?"
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 2 January 2006 2:02:49am

Morphena walked slowly into the Great Hall, and examined the scene. The Time-Turner had obviously worked perfectly.
He dreaded to think what the consequences of it were though.

Harry Potter will live on. He may even have another child because of me...

He pushed it out of his mind, and just tryed to enjoy the dance. He morphed a calmer look and went and sat down for a drink.

His recently shorter look made him pass for a fifth year, and before long a group had assembled around him at the drinks table.

No, he thought. The girls were terribly giggly, attractive or not. He excused himself to go to the Entrance Hall, and came back a 7th year named Emani Prewett.

Now this, he thought. This will be fun.
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 5 January 2006 2:46:35am

Jerry noticed another boy walking toward a table with a bunch of girls. The girls he'd only dream of going out with. He walked toward the girls, "I'm free?" he said hopefully, again.... the laugh, he swore that laugh would drive him to madness one day...
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