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(BTW telemarketers are not evil, the poor people have to constantly deal with people cursing and yelling at them... my mom was one once ) Summons..... George W. Bush, the telemarketer dies out of amazement of George's stupidness.
*summons the mighty ninja assasin to drive off Bush*Get outta here!!(still.....I know a girl, the exact same telemarketer called her house 5 times in half an hour.now that went a little too far....)
(sometimes telemarketers have a list and they need to get a certain number of people or else they don't get paid.... but I guess it might've been a bit far) Summons Ultra-Ninja-Thing for weird Kung-Fu battle that ends up in the ninjas confesing that they really like Hair and makeup and they go off to frolick in the flowers.