'bout this?

Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

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Postby DragonFiend17 » Sunday 13 February 2005 3:16:34am

Under places you could add Knockturn Alley :)
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 13 February 2005 3:29:08am

hey, thats a really good idea, one that i wouldnt have thought of...
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 16 February 2005 6:44:25pm

Well thats a good name for a forum but what do you propose we put in it? Has to be something we don't already have....
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 18 February 2005 12:52:58am

well, maybe we could put like... discussions of evil... i mean, it is knocturn alley...
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 1 March 2005 7:04:06am

Discussions of evil...let's see...we discuss the horrors of every day life in St. Mungo, Voldemort in the characters section, and George Bush in the Great Hall. Maybe we could make it a place like Diagon Alley, selling dark things and stuff, but would there be enough ideas? Or we could tell each other ghost stories. But if you wanna be a bit evil, why don't you try a thread in the rpg section? I'd definitely like to join you.
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 3 March 2005 9:05:00pm

Hmm...I wonder if subforums are possible on this type of forum..if so maybe you could use the idea of making it like Diagon alley and have it actually inside the Diagon alley forum since in the book Knocturn alley is reached through Diagon alley anyway. Then it wouldn't be viewable from the main page but when you entered diagon alley forum you would see knocturn alley.

Could perhaps test it and if it wasn't popular enough put the threads into Diagon alley and get rid of it again.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 12 November 2005 5:28:59am

Why doesn't someone just start a thread called Knockturn Alley, and if it's really popular, we can make it another forum.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 14 December 2005 2:11:50am

Mistress Siana wrote: Maybe we could make it a place like Diagon Alley, selling dark things and stuff, but would there be enough ideas? Or we could tell each other ghost stories. But if you wanna be a bit evil, why don't you try a thread in the rpg section? I'd definitely like to join you.

Fantastic idea for an RPG. Sort of like "Knocturn Alley" the shops and their people, guest starring: etc.... :grin:

As soon as it's fixed, someone start the scenario up in the correct format and I'll start it for you.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 17 December 2005 6:19:39pm

Mmm... I like the idea of an RPG. That's probably what we'd do even if we just started a thread on it, it'll kind of morph itself into on RPG.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 17 December 2005 6:23:31pm

So why not make it more controlled.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 17 December 2005 6:39:59pm

Yeah, hey, btw, what's the difference between a regular RPG and one that was sent in an application and all. Is it just labeled differently?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 1 January 2006 1:04:27am

All the RPGs in the offical "RPG Section" have to have been accept by an RPG mod.
I can only accept them once you've sent the details.

You can't start a new thread in it without it being checked, because it's against the rules. I'd just delete it, or if the concept was good steal the idea and make it proper myself :lol: . As a punishment :grin: .
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 1 January 2006 5:17:23am

*snort* What's this world coming to.... :grin:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 1 January 2006 5:28:48am

*Don't do the crime if you can't do the time...* :grin:

:razz: I might try and think of a few RPG ideas, actually. Building off of some fan-fiction would be a good idea.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 1 January 2006 5:51:19am

Yeah, like you could have one big RPG of the seventh book. You know kinda like, writing book 7 in RPG form. I wonder if I should submit that.... but it's really not original, so I dunno...
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