Phoenix - oh yeah, the experience from reading the first HPotter book can not be repeated. Its just everything is so new and so amazing!!
Well, my younger sister read first 4 books (in fact I was the one who bought Goblet of Fire for her b-day). And she kept asking me to read them, telling me that they are just amazing. But ... I didn't have time for it and didn't care to read a children's book.
Then, in college I got really tired of studying for my exams and decided to give HPotter book a try. I have to tell you I was in a perfect mood for that book too and I saw the trailer for the 1st HP movie so as soon as I started reading it I was "swallowed" by the book
Read 2nd-4th right after it. Just couldn't stop myself. Oh it was soooo great!!!
And I agree she had a great 1st sentence.