Loggin On Solutions

If you have any questions or problems, or are having difficulties logging on, post here for help.

Moderator: Gwared

Postby Paul » Sunday 29 June 2003 4:06:08pm

Odd that it only happened at night, but great to hear you found a solution, Choki. :)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 28 July 2003 6:17:33am

Okies, once again, I am having a wierd, but not a big problem! I was just wondering it this was the go with other people too, or that my puter is justbeing a pain!

This site, since I got back uni, has been making me log in twice every time... And I've been carefully spelling my username andpassword each time, to make sure that it's just not me with typo's... so yeah... it's not big pormleb, just a little strange! :)

That's all from me this time!

Holly ;)
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Postby Paul » Monday 4 August 2003 2:16:30am

I'd say that's probably another browser problem, Holly. Something icky with the one on the computer. Do you get any messages or just return to exactly the same login page?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 4 August 2003 5:00:33am

I just get sent back to the start page!

Oh well, it's looking like I really should get a new browser... butyou know what... I probably won't!!!

Holly :lol:
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Postby Seraphine » Wednesday 21 January 2004 5:52:09pm

Hi!I need help. The questions are:
1. Where the hell is my signature?
2. Why can't I submit my own avatar on that forum?
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 21 January 2004 7:17:07pm

Seraphine wrote:Hi!I need help. The questions are:
1. Where the hell is my signature?
2. Why can't I submit my own avatar on that forum?

1. Signatures have been disabled by Paul due to, I believe, missuse.
2. Because of potential copyright violations. If your avatar is your own. original design you may submit it to Paul for his assessment.
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Postby Seraphine » Sunday 8 February 2004 12:51:39pm

HEY! What's up? I can't log into the Gryffindor Common Room even though I was put in Gryffindor!HELP!!!

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Postby Seraphine » Sunday 8 February 2004 12:53:19pm

And please, enable signatures... Can't you just punish people for misuses?

Seraphine again
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Postby Gower » Sunday 8 February 2004 3:10:55pm

Maybe we could have trial run with them.
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Postby Paul » Sunday 8 February 2004 9:42:03pm

Sorry about being unable to enter the Gryffindor Common Rom Seraphine. There was a database table problem with the forum's permissions, which I've detailled in the Debug mode thread, and I had to revert all the perissions back to how they were on the 26th of January. I've had a word with the Fat lady and she'll let you in now. :)

Please see the Some questions thread regarding a compromise concerning signatures. :-)
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 11 November 2005 9:59:44pm

Hey, Ummm...I just got an email from felpato, he can't seem to log on, it wont accept his password...So I don't relly know what to do...
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