Horcrux no. 6? Still at Godrics Hollow?

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Horcrux no. 6? Still at Godrics Hollow?

Postby Curry » Monday 3 October 2005 3:48:39pm

When VM came to kill and so produce the 6. and last Horcrux he had to carry an object with him. An object that planned to be this 6. Horcrux. A Gryffindor relict? Does ist still lie at Godrics Hollow?
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Postby Person1 » Tuesday 4 October 2005 2:01:31am

yeah, this one has been discussed, Godric Gryffindor, Godric's Hollow ect...
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Postby darkcloak » Tuesday 4 October 2005 12:18:06pm

A lot of people have talked about Godric's Hollow as if it has remained untouched since that fateful night. Wouldn't they have cleaned up the debris by now, nearly 17 years later?

If so, who will have collected the possible items left behind and what will Harry find? Will there be anything to mark the event or will the house have been rebuilt or left as a warning?

By the way, do we actually know if Godric's Hollow is a village or just the location of one house?
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Postby Aberforth » Tuesday 4 October 2005 1:15:15pm

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 5 October 2005 12:39:21am

It is a village. We haven't been told where in it they lived though.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 5 October 2005 9:56:49am

Yeah, you would think they would have cleared up the house at the very least.. but that said, if only a few people knew where it was then maybe not?? I can't imagine DD telling everyone after that night where Lily and James were so that they could go and ogle at the destroyed home. I also think that they must have had some other anti-muggle protection on the house so that it was not visible etc etc.
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Postby darkcloak » Wednesday 5 October 2005 11:03:31am

Snow_Patrol wrote:Yeah, you would think they would have cleared up the house at the very least.. but that said, if only a few people knew where it was then maybe not?? I can't imagine DD telling everyone after that night where Lily and James were so that they could go and ogle at the destroyed home. I also think that they must have had some other anti-muggle protection on the house so that it was not visible etc etc.

I realise it's not nice to think about, but if Harry is visiting graves then someone must have removed the bodies.

Did Dumbledore do this so that Voldemort or his followers couldn't turn Harry's folk into inferi? Is this why he gave Harry to Hagrid? Did Dumbledore bury them?

Questions, questions.....
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Postby Aberforth » Wednesday 5 October 2005 11:48:04am

Yeah, with wormtail being secret keeper and not ahving to hp the address - how is harry to find his aprents house? Will the fidelius charm still apply if the house is destroyed? Will harry have to find wormtail first and hence get repayment for sparing his life?
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 5 October 2005 11:49:17am

:-( :-( shudder! :-( :-(

Ooh I don't like the idea of their bodies being used as Inferi! Not nice.

Admittedly though yeah they must have been buried - like you say someone would have taken care of business. Maybe even Sirius before he went after Wormtail? You would have thought that even Petunia would have gone to Lily's funeral she was her sister after all and I still believe there's something soft inside Petunia towards Lily and Harry as a result. Maybe I'm secretly hoping that Petunia does actually love Harry in a small way!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 6 October 2005 3:35:17am

Wasn't the house in flames when Hagrid got there?
It would stand to reason then that the bodies were... well burnt is such a harsh word... but it fits.
Was it not?
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 6 October 2005 9:19:40am

Hmm I don't know, I thought Hagrid said it was completely destroyed but I didn't think he mentioned flames.

I think Harry will go back to the house whether it is rubble or whatever. I think that will be like closure or something.
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