Book 7: Unfinished Business & Explanations You Would Want Revealed .. JKR Please take note

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 17 August 2005 9:45:56am

Hmm I'm not sure about that, I think if he really wanted to he would have but if there was some greater thing blocking his ability to kill LV then this would explain why he didn't even try.
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Postby darkcloak » Thursday 18 August 2005 8:58:13am

Tanuki wrote:Plus, we can also assume that Dumbledore just can't bring himself to kill Tom

Someone who has murdered, killed and tortured many innocents and Dumbledore's friends? Who has subjected families to misery and fear for years and is no longer a real person but a twisted and evil splinter of a soul who is out to bring pain and suffering to 'mudbloods' and decent people?

I think Dumbledore would kill him if he could, but he knows the prophecy.
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 18 August 2005 3:37:38pm

Naw, Dumbledore is too kind. He can fight him and probably try to beat him, but he can't kill him. Didn't Snape show you guys that Dumbledore is too kind for his own good
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 18 August 2005 4:21:47pm

He can't be that kind if he defeated evil Grindelwald... I wonder whether Grindelwald had influenced (or was an idol for) Tom Riddle. Tom was at Hogwarts when he was about 15yrs old when DD defeated Grindelwald...
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Thursday 18 August 2005 6:40:46pm

i wonder how DD defeated Grindelwald whether it was advada kedavra or something else, maybe the thing he tried to do to LV in the duel in OotP?? maybe finding out will help harry in his duel with LV??
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 19 August 2005 9:36:48am

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'm wondering if Grindelwald was an inspiration to LV. Harry's got a cr*p memory though will he actually remember that he defeated Grindelwald seeing as he only read it on a chocolate frog card!
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Friday 19 August 2005 5:05:07pm

Yeah, he couldn't even remember Nicolas Flammel from the card and that was only a few months after reading it, now it's been years.
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Postby Ginny Potter » Sunday 21 August 2005 10:59:06pm

In reference to the title of this thread, there are a lot of things I want to find out once and for all in book 7, and I wonder just how big book 7 will have to be to answer all the questions book 6 raises, not to mention books 1-5! For instance:

1) In book 4, when we see Dumbledore's memory of Bertha Jorkins...who is Florence and who is the "he" that was kissing her?

2) Also in book 4, the Death Eaters that were too cowardly to return, left Voldemort forever, and the most faithful which three Death Eaters was Voldemort referring?

3) How will Wormtail repay his debt to Harry after Harry spared him in book 3?

4) What happened to SPEW that was so prevalent in books 4 and 5? Will it resurface...maybe in some way to help the war?

5) Why was the order of the shadows from Voldemort's wand, in book 4, changed in later editions?

6) What happened to Barty Crouch, Jr.'s body after the dementor got him in book 4? As for inferi...who will be used, in what way are they used, and can bodies of those with their souls sucked out be used?

7) How did Fred and George know, in advance (in book 4), the outcome of the Quidditch World Cup?

8) Does Neville have a memory charm on him and if so, why? What about his parents...are they being tampered with at St. Mungo's?

9) What's the deal with the Bloody Baron anyway? And what is the significance of the objects we saw hidden in the Room of Requirement (in book 6) like the bloody axe?

10) And of course, one of the ultimate questions...will Harry survive the end of the series?

Just a few of my many questions...some might have been cleared up when I whizzed through book 6 (like it was on fire!). :o :lol: Feel free to speculate on these...the opinions of people from BaO are just fascinating. :grin:
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 21 August 2005 11:12:08pm

Ginny Potter wrote:7) How did Fred and George know, in advance (in book 4), the outcome of the Quidditch World Cup?

8) Does Neville have a memory charm on him and if so, why? What about his parents...are they being tampered with at St. Mungo's?

9) What's the deal with the Bloody Baron anyway? And what is the significance of the objects we saw hidden in the Room of Requirement (in book 6) like the bloody axe?

10) And of course, one of the ultimate questions...will Harry survive the end of the series?

7) I always assumed they were just really lucky. I mean, those two have amazing instincts.

8) I definitely think not. I honestly believe Neville just has an inferiority complex after living with his grandmother. Remember how he was when McGonnagal was working their schedules. He's dominated by his gran, but he is amazingly talented as a herbologist. I think he'll be very useful once he figures out how to turn that to his advantage

9) The bloody Baron is creepy. I think that's enough. He never struck me as a bad guy. As for the room of requirement. I believe Hogwarts has a very extensive and disturbing history

10) Naw... I think he's gonna bite it
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Postby darkcloak » Monday 22 August 2005 8:50:03am

Hi Ginny

Good questions, especially the significance of SPEW and the elves. I think that a couple of your questions have been answered.

Ginny Potter wrote:2) Also in book 4, the Death Eaters that were too cowardly to return, left Voldemort forever, and the most faithful which three Death Eaters was Voldemort referring?

Karkaroff flees as soon as the dark mark shows, and pays the price for doing do in HBP. Snape (in Chapter 2 HBP) refers to the fact that the Dark Lord thought that he had 'left him forever' and the his most faithful servant was the one that found him in GoF and risked his life to get him Harry Potter. So....
Too cowardly to return: Karkaroff
Left Voldemort forever: Snape
Most faithful servant: Barty Crouch Junior

Ginny Potter wrote:5) Why was the order of the shadows from Voldemort's wand, in book 4, changed in later editions?

I think JKR made... *whispers*... a mistake. In the first editions the order meant that his mum had been killed first, this was rectified in the latter editions.

Ginny Potter wrote:10) And of course, one of the ultimate questions...will Harry survive the end of the series?

Yes, he's had enough death in his life already. Happy endings all round.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 20 September 2005 12:12:13pm

I want to know

1. what Dudley saw/heard when the dementors attacked him in Privet Drive...

2. about Percy and Scabbers/Wormtail's relationship... I wonder if Percy has been under the Imperius curse for several years and whether this is the reason he is so different to the rest of the Weasleys.

3. what career paths they eventually go down

4. whether any of the other students like Lavendar, Parvati, Dennis or Colin Creevey actually have a purpose in life

5. how Charlie will help the order. JKR said that there is a character she likes that she hasn't expanded on that she would like to bring in more. I wonder if this is Charlie?
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 20 September 2005 1:43:38pm

With the Wormtail/Percy thing. It's more likely that Wormtail found Percy and decided that he would make a good protector, then appeared as nothing but a cute, destitute rat. The imperious curse was totally unnecessary to get into that family
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Postby Siruk » Tuesday 20 September 2005 9:41:02pm

I want to know what ever happened to dean thomas' love of football, how wizards are meant to get through life without the ability to do algebra, and where they get their birds and the bees talk from(ours are now from within school, not our parents)
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 21 September 2005 3:08:58pm

Imagine a world where parent's are responsable enough to actually teach their kids correctly about things parents should teach their children. Wouldn't that be lovely?

As for Algebra... there's always arithmancy (wizard math) and I asume they are taught some math in school before hogwarts

And finally, Dean Thomas probably still loves Football, but its not important to mention, or it got totally crowded out by an overwhelming love of a better game
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 22 September 2005 12:59:22pm

On the subject of football, surely wizards must know it exists - Ron seemed completely oblivious to it I recall. There aren't many full-blown wizard communities so most wizards probably live in muggle-born villages, towns etc. Surely wizards aren't completely naive to the ways of the muggle world and must have seen football fans crowding at football stadiums and wondered "I wonder what that is!"

Also where do wizards buy their food? They only seem to go to Diagon Alley/Hogsmeade to go to the bank, buy wizarding things and school things but never any mention of grocery shopping. So you would expect they would buy food more locally and then must have muggle money! And on the same subject where do they get food supplies from to stock shelves - do they get them from muggles!!

Also do wizards pay tax for the up-keep of the ministry? Surely the ministry's money must come from somewhere to pay salaries. We do know that Lucius made a donation - is that where all the ministry's money comes from - donations?

Also we get charged car tax, are wizards charged chimney tax? (Joke) It just seems strange to me that they can just travel willy nilly through a network that is monitored at times without being charged or perhaps they are charged when they buy floo powder!!!

Sorry I'm sure JKR didn't want us to think of these things but when I look at my world, I have to deal with these things so why shouldn't they?
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