Why Doesn't Harry just talk to Dumbledores portrait?

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Why Doesn't Harry just talk to Dumbledores portrait?

Postby voldemortsmostfaithful » Friday 9 September 2005 1:26:36am

Can't he just talk to the portrait in McGonnagal's new office? Phineas Niggelus was always butting in... talking and listening. Couldn't Harry talk to the portrait and have it respond?

I don't see why not,
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 9 September 2005 8:19:42am

There was another thread somewhere aroud about portraits, and they were talking about the same problem. Here it was. Anyway do you honestly belive that portraits can fully replace a person. Or for that matter even a little part of that person? Maybe it can butt in with advices and stuff. But Dumbledore wasn't all about this. Can you imagine his piercing look coming out of a painting?
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Friday 9 September 2005 6:00:12pm

and the twinkle i n his eyes...

i miss him :(
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 9 September 2005 10:37:49pm

Don't we all... :cry:
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Postby Siruk » Saturday 10 September 2005 12:00:33pm

Meh, now if he had an action figure with kung-fu action, then i might like him, but for now he is just the old guy.

But portraits probably have their own opinions and a limited amount of thought, so though Niggelus was always butting in, his opinion was of little knowledge of the subject, so Dumbledore's portrait is only good for communicating with other dumbledore portraits, and not to gain his wisdom and knowledge.
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Postby Harryisahottie24 » Monday 19 September 2005 11:43:54pm

Well, I personally think that Harry didn't think of it because of everything that was going on...with Snape and Malfoy, and Ginny....

But I was reading a story on www.fanfiction.net or another fanfiction site where Harry thought of that but he couldn't find out anything because the portrait only knew the knowledge of the time when he was painted, photographed...etc...
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Postby Gwared » Tuesday 20 September 2005 3:22:54pm

Please continue this topic in the original thread Here

~ Gwared

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