9007: tell curiouser that i also adore pumpkins (in particular pumpkin carving)
9006: gloat that i have won the grand prize in my church's pumpkin carving contest two years in a row
9005: realize it isn't very christian to gloat
9004: remember how much i LOVE halloween
9003: wonder why UAP is going back to chorus when i thought she was in chrome?
9002: know that curiouser will see the deal offered to UAP
9001: be prepared to offer curiouser same deal, if necessary
9000: rejoice over reaching 9000
8999: tell UAP i know she can do future problem solving as my team in middle school won second place in the state and if i can do it, she can
8998: love it when a number is a palindrome (although i think it is called something different when it is a number)
8997: look up the word for it
8996: hope ophelia the hurricane does as ophelia of hamlet did - die an early death by suicide!