Thanks for the help, Elvenmist. Very pleased to make you moderator of the New Members Welcome Forum. It's on Autoprune to avoid hundreds of threads which may seem to be very similar. If a thread hasn't been posted to in 7 days, it will disappear. However, if you feel a thread contains a really good Harry Potter discussion, feel free to use your moderator powers if you wish to keep the thread (or parts of it) alive. You could do this by moving the thread (or splitting parts of it) to another part of the forum (the only other part of the forum where it could end up autopruned is Zonko's joke Shop).
At the current stage of the board, I'm limiting it to 2 moderators per forum, at least until we get 2 moderators in each forum which exists. Once that has happened I may well extend it to three, so don't give up et with your hopes for the other areas of the board.
By the way, I think you were right with sabbatical.