
Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Tuima » Saturday 27 March 2004 6:13:54am

Yeah, I agree... Somehow I can't see Draco's father being his worst fear either, although I'm sure he's prolly nervous around him, it doesn't seem like he'd be something to send him off screaming or crying, the way boggarts seem to affect most others. Hmm... maybe humiliation, or powerlessness, or summat like that. Must ponder s'more.
I like the ideas about Hermione fearing failure, not necessarily just poor grades... interesting.
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Postby Lone_Buck » Monday 5 April 2004 12:05:34am

Dudley's is Carrot Sticks
The Dursleys is anyone knowing Hairy
and Marges is know probably a hot air balloon, after what harry did to her.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 5 April 2004 5:49:29pm

aunt marge had her memory modified though! she wouldn't remember that. it's probably ripper dying!
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Postby Groo » Friday 9 April 2004 2:07:59pm

i agree with Siana. snape has seen a lot in life after that episode with james. and in any case , snape was as brilliant as james in magic so he wont fear him. he was just jealous of him

i think the worst fears would be:
Dumbledore : Voldemort possessing Harry (indications in OotP)
Voldemort: Dumbledore
Sirius: Azkaban
Hermione: dunno
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Postby Lone_Buck » Friday 9 April 2004 4:33:08pm

I wasn't being serious. I don't know what Marges would be.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 12 April 2004 12:22:21pm

hm, I have a question: What exactly does a boggart show? Your real, deepest fear, even if you're not even aware of what that is, or what you yourself think of as your greatest fear? That would make an important difference.[/list]
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Postby Groo » Monday 12 April 2004 7:58:04pm

hmm.. this is a very good question Siana.

i think it shows just what your real deepest fear is. to back this up, take Lupin's example. the boggart becomes the moon which is his biggest fear: becoming a werewolf. but just looking at the moon doesnt scare him. infact he
"casually flicked his wand and said riddikulus" when the boggart became the orb
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Postby pallas artemis » Saturday 1 May 2004 10:47:39pm

Snape = Dumbledore
Sirius = Harry dead
Dumbledore = Voldemorte undestructable
Draco = himself as a muggle
Hermione = failure
LV = death
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Sunday 2 May 2004 3:16:44pm

pallas artemis wrote:Snape = Dumbledore

That's interesting, why Dumbledore?
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Fears & Desires

Postby Reverie Revenge » Sunday 2 May 2004 4:19:49pm

highsorcerer wrote:As noted by Lupin regarding Harry's boggart manifestation, Harry fears fear more than anything else - a rather remarkable thing, and a testiment to why he's in Gryffindor.

Hermoine - Failure / incompetance. This would manifest itself right now as not passing her classes.

Dumbledore - The fall of the good side. It might mean a dead Harry, since Dumbledore knows Harry is the only one that can stop Voldemort.

Snape - Exposure. To be caught spying would sign his own death warrant.

Sirius - Dead Harry. Harry was the most important person in the world to him.

Draco - Humiliation.

Voldemort - Death

Higsorcerer, I seriously agree, but being not serious I think Dumbledore's boggart might be just the opposite of what he seen in the miror of Erised :-? I mean, himself without any warm socks :grin: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And for Hermione, I think she worries more about the genocide against the mudbloods than about top grades. She's reasonable after all, in OoP I think that she admits there are more important things than homework but in 3rd year maybe she was still preoccupied with school duties (too many classes, remember?).

Back to serious thoughts: I think there is a connection between boggarts and the mirror of Erised - deepest fears vs. deepest desires. Wow - would you dare to confront yours??? I don't know - I'm not a brave Gryffindor, just a my-own-neck-saving Slytherin (according to Phineas) :razz:

Phinea, I have no idea why Dumbledore would be Snape's worst fear??? I think that his deepest fear is humiliation in public, his worst memory - or maybe it's not the worst memory at all - maybe JKR was just warming us up, to prepare us to Snape's dreadful lifestory???
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Postby IreFan » Monday 22 August 2005 8:42:25pm

I know this is an old thread....but I just got finished watching all HPs again and well....I never saw Hermoine's fear.....I'm sure it's in the book (never read them...wanted to but haven't) but why didn't they put it in the movie? Just curious.
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Monday 22 August 2005 9:28:16pm

1) Read the book.
2) Hermione didn't face the boggart the first time around.
3) They left half the damn plot out of the movie. The movies are horrible and should be smited from this planet.
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Postby glamourweaver » Tuesday 23 August 2005 8:02:45am

Tuima wrote:Yeah, I agree... Somehow I can't see Draco's father being his worst fear either, although I'm sure he's prolly nervous around him, it doesn't seem like he'd be something to send him off screaming or crying, the way boggarts seem to affect most others. Hmm... maybe humiliation, or powerlessness, or summat like that. Must ponder s'more.
I like the ideas about Hermione fearing failure, not necessarily just poor grades... interesting.

But powerless and humiliated is how Lucius almost certainly makes Draco feel behind closed doors. Lucius is almost certainly abusive based on his family dynamic, and if a Boggart acted like he does when he's alone with Draco & Narcissa, than I can see that devastating Draco with terror.
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Postby glamourweaver » Tuesday 23 August 2005 8:12:58am

All the answers really depend on when the Boggart appears. During the events of Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione saw McGonigal telling her she failed all her classes... of course thats when Hermione was near having a nervous break-down thanks to her work load & the Time-turner.

Later on in the storyline I'm sure that Voldemort would replace her worst fear as I'm sure he does for many many other characters...

During the events of Prisoner of Azkaban though...

Dumbledore: dead students (particularly Harry)

Snape: Lord Voldemort returned & furious with his betrayal

Sirius: at that point I could very easily see it being a Dementor...

Draco: an enraged Lucius

Hagrid: I'm tempted to say that anyone's who'se been imprisoned in Azkaban would see a Dementor

Voldemort: In his weakend state at that point, Dumbledore would probably be the image of death to him... latter on it would have to be something his own grave pulling him in, or something else representing his own death...

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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 23 August 2005 10:49:16pm

glamourweaver wrote:But powerless and humiliated is how Lucius almost certainly makes Draco feel behind closed doors. Lucius is almost certainly abusive based on his family dynamic,

Who told you he was abusive? If anything, he spoils Draco, but is otherwise cold and uninvolved. How would abusing Draco create such loyalty and reliance? I can imagine the worst abuse being him putting little Draco on his knee and filling his head with all the stuff he was taght about pureblood superiority.
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