One liners and netspeak

Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 21 August 2005 7:32:24pm

Does anyone else notice that with the current topic, we've had at least three one line posts... though it does bring up a question in mine, since it was oen line, but a few seperate sentances
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Postby Ginny Potter » Sunday 21 August 2005 10:38:40pm

I was one of the one-liners in this thread...I gave credit where it wasn't due. Oh well. :) Anyway, since we're talking about annoying trends, what's up with so many of the posts on this forum being in the games area? Surely, we can't have run out of things to say about the new book!

What are some other things we could do to encourage people to write more and write correctly without seeming beastly? :???:
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 21 August 2005 10:48:35pm

well i guess we can aford a one line post from time to time. :oops: the problem is with those people that have only one line posts, like i agree or so on. it's the problem that they never seem to justify their answers. they just want to encrease their post number. but i so wonder what is the use anyway? just to prove you are active on a forum? but the forum is a place where you can speak yor mind and express your oppinions (hopefully they get heard). and just by agreeing with others what on the world have you done? mostly nothing.

and i think we can find a lot of things to talk about on the subject of the last book. though there seems to be little posting lately... or i've been to much on the forum waiting obsesivly for new posts 8-) and lately just the word games seem to be so active.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 14 September 2005 2:29:32am

I asked for correct spelling and spelled grammar wrong in the same sentence. How embarrassing is that? :oops:

Usually I'd agree that the best thoughts are best put short, but as far as the internet is concerned, I've come to rethink my opinion. Of course everyone should be encouraged to express his or her opinion freely, but if someone disagrees or agrees with a certain point, I think a bit of explanation wouldn't hurt, like 'I agree because' or 'I especially disagree on the point that...'

About spelling...I certainly don't want to ban everyone who makes a spelling mistake, my own spelling is horrible, I rather meant the cases of deliberate misspelling. It annoys the hell out of me to see u instead of you, or if people generally never capitalize. I think it's a sign of politeness to use language to the best of your abilities in discussions. Honestly, if I'm having a discussion in a forum, and somebody doesn't seem to think I'm worth writing words out, I feel offended, in the same way I feel offended if somebody doesn't look me on the eyes while talking to me. And the consequence? I spend more time in places where I feel people are more respectful, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 14 September 2005 8:15:07am

I must say I usually keep my posts short. There are people who can go on and on with their thoughts, I'm just not that talkative in real life, at least on most subjects, so I guess I just don't have the habbit of putting my thoughts into long paragraphs. So I basically find it OK to have one-line posts as long as they bring something to the discussion and are not made for post-count purposes.

As for bad spelling - I fully agree with MS. It is deliberate misspelling that I dislike. Not only does it show disrespect towards the readers, but such posts are also difficult to read, especially for those people whose mother tongue is not English.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 19 October 2005 5:45:42am

The least one can do when they are agreeing to a statement is to add a question to the discussion. Obviously it doesn't take much.
Obviously you'll never be able to stop One-line posts in the Games forum, for most of the games only recquire one word... But honestly, "I agree" is hardly getting yourself recognised as an active member, if you don't even say why.

Having a 100-character limit is just a tad too far though, I think. I think you could go under 100-characters if you just give a quick reasoning or explaination, and then a question.

Plus, it would completely devastate the Games forum!
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 19 October 2005 4:08:36pm

Phoenix in the Ashes wrote:Plus, it would completely devastate the Games forum!

I think if there will ever be a limit of 100 characters or something similar, the Games forum should be excluded from this rule anyway. It's not for discussions after all!
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