Deadly Fun

Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!

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Deadly Fun

Postby Applepie » Thursday 14 October 2004 3:07:55am

This is my first fanfic on this sight, hope you like it, Please give me feedback!
Deadly Fun

Chapter 1

The dark lord circled like a vulture, soaring ever lower, growing ever closer. The castle of Hogwarts no longer felt as safe as it once had. I

Get a grip on yourself, Harry Potter thought to himself darkly. The chair he sat in was situated as close to the common room fire as possible. 17 only just 17 and more had happened to him than most people in their eighties. He had more fear and more courage than most people developed in a lifetime.

"Harry are you okay?" Hermione said timidly from the chair next to him. No he wasn't all right but he still nodded to Hermione's question. Nothing was all right, how could he be. Hermione didn't seem convinced but she realized Harry didn't want to be bothered so she didn't push the subject.

His mind kept wandering back to Ron, who at the moment was lying in one of the sterile rooms of St. Mungo's, lucky to be alive, he may still die but the believed it was under control.

He had been there for almost a month now, he had been hit by a curse from Voldemort, a curse that had been meant to permanently incapitate him and get Harry to give him what he wanted, Harry's life, and the Order of the Phoenix secrets. That last part could not have been given to Voldemort by him because he still was not a part of the order, but it was only six months now until he would be out of Hogwarts.

The December that at the moment was in full force, was the coldest that almost anyone living could remember, the only exception to that rule was perhaps Dumbledore himself. At over 150 years old you could probably remember a greeted version of whatever was happening at the moment.

Except for, perhaps, Voldemort's current rain. Voldemort had come back as he had wanted, more powerful and terrible as before.

Harry and Hermione were leaving tomorrow mourning on the Knight bus to go visit Ron. Today had been the last day of the winter term.

Harry sat thinking about the current events for what could have been hours, or minutes, time seemed to have no real meaning anymore. Finally he said a quick goodnight to Hermione, who was reading a book about artihmacy with cold, distant eyes which hadn't moved since the last time she had spoken to Harry. He knew she was thinking about the same things he was.

Soon he was lying in his four poster. It was a long time before he finally slept. He could hear the other's making sleep sounds but it seemed so empty and unreal without the sounds of Ron's snores. It had been almost a month, as has been previously mentioned, but the loss of a friend, even if it's not in death, that you have known for almost all of your life, is not easily reckoned with.

Chapter 2

"Yesss, yes my lord," Peter Pettigrew said, moving backward and breaking the circle of death eaters. He walked to one of the many shelves that lined the circular room that served as the Death Eaters normal meeting place and picked up a small tan scroll. He carried it carefully across the room, through his empty spot in the large death eaters circle, possibly 300 of the magical worlds known scum, and placed it in Voldemort's long ghostly hands.

He moved back to his place and looked around at the hooded faces of the death eaters, all of whom were watching Voldemort with rapt attention. He couldn't see their faces, but he knew if he could they would be alight with excitement, for Voldemort had formed there newest plan, the one he said would surely bring him many steps closer to ruling the magical world.

Wormtail shuddered at this idea. He had returned to the Dark Lord, but only out of fear of what would become of him if he did. He had never been a brave soul. He was often cruel and constantly in a state of utter sadness. Voldemort ruling the magical world, and possibly the whole world someday filled him with only the deepest repulsion.

Voldemort smiled, that cruel smile that would have sent spikes of icy fear into the heart of the devil himself. "Ahhh, thank you Wormail," he said in a voice as chilly as the winter weather outside.

Peter cringed at the name that his old friends had used on him when he was only a boy. He had never liked the name, Remus, James. and Serius used to tease him with it. Wormtail, it just sounded like and evil name, he guessed it suited him now after all he had done.

Those three friends were the only ones he had ever had, and now two of them were dead, and it was his, Peter's fault, all his fault.

He didn't know it and would have been utterly disgusted at the idea but his feelings were not terribly unlike those of Harry.

Voldemort carefully unrolled the scroll, so as not to crumple or tear it in any way. And then he read alowed the plan that would be the downfall of the world.
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Postby emus » Tuesday 19 October 2004 2:16:35am

I really like this. keep it up!
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Thursday 18 August 2005 11:57:35pm

I really liked this, and i'd like to see where it is going!

What ever happened to ron??

Keep going with it

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