by SunsetG|rl » Monday 15 August 2005 12:02:51pm
but then as a character from a book i enjoyed a lot pointed out, maybe we(as humans) give importance to some numbers just because they are so different from us. like 1 couldn't be magic cause we have 1 nose, 1 head; 2 couldn't be magic cause we have 2 eyes, 2 ears; 4 is multiple of 2 and 4 is 2legs+2hands...and so on...
and the only magical numbers left are 3 and 7 (they are prime numbers!)
so 3 is used for divinity as Tanuki pointed out...and 7 is perfection...i never heard that before... but i like it *me day dreaming about number's always been my favourite* ...thanks Tanuki