Moaning Myrtle & Tom Riddle

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Moaning Myrtle & Tom Riddle

Postby glamourweaver » Monday 15 August 2005 10:12:23am

I'm running through a bit of chronology in my head. Would it be accurate to state that Myrtle was Riddle/Voldemort's first victim* that we know of?

*by "victim" in this context I mean people he killed, not just terrorized
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Postby thestral » Monday 15 August 2005 10:31:36am

yeah i think she would be, hmmmm that was something i had never considered before. but i think there might be something more to myrtle because i think she's popped up at some point in almost every book. there must be some significance to her being his first victim. there's something that niggles at me about myrtle but i don't know what it is...
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Monday 15 August 2005 12:17:02pm

yea she is sort of a strange character but as for voldemorts first victim no she cannot be remember as a teen he killed the riddle lineage?
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Monday 15 August 2005 2:06:31pm

He killed his father, yes, but was it after or before his basilisk killed Myrtle?
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 2:54:58pm

When Harry saw him within Slug's memory, he was already wearing the ring. He then asked Slughorn about horcruxes. If he made a horcrux out of the diary, he might have used Moaning Myrtle as the victim which would make his Riddle family his first victims.
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Monday 15 August 2005 4:21:35pm

exactly what i said.. just not in the same complicated way :D
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Postby Lelie » Monday 15 August 2005 5:45:25pm

i've mentioned this before in another thread, but i still maintain that technically riddle didn't kill moaning myrtle; the basilisk did. riddle didn't even have to be present for her to die, and he probably didn't send it after any one particular person.
it seems as if the conversation that riddle had with slughorn about horcruxes was coming at the end of riddle's seventh year. riddle was 15 when he opened the chamber of secrets, which would have been two years before he even knew about horcruxes. i don't think the timelines match up on that one.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 5:45:43pm

Salazar Slytherin wrote:yea she is sort of a strange character but as for voldemorts first victim no she cannot be remember as a teen he killed the riddle lineage?

He was also a teen when he killed Moaning Myrtle. I believe that the deaths of the Riddle family and Moaning Myrtle occurred in the same year. The whole HP Timeline is very confusing anyway. Think I opened a thread on this some weeks ago somewhere.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 15 August 2005 9:13:46pm

thestral wrote: but i think there might be something more to myrtle because i think she's popped up at some point in almost every book. there's something that niggles at me about myrtle but i don't know what it is...

i was kinda thinking the same you suspect she will have an important role in the future? i mean she was the one draco confesed to. maybe she heard something she shouldn't have. or maybe she will bring some thing to complete the childhood history of LV...after all she was in the school same time as he was. and she is a ghost. i don't think she has anything to fear...i wonder if ghosts can be killed or tortured or anyway made to keep their mouths shut?
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Postby Person1 » Monday 15 August 2005 9:45:00pm

Well Narly Headless nick waz froze by the bassilisk, so i guess magic can effect them....still don't know how the mandrake root unfroze him tho....
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 15 August 2005 9:48:36pm

yeah...really good question...never thought of it that way...maybe they just used some old the food at his birthday party (or was it deathday party?) or maybe they just make special potions for the ghosts or so...
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 10:55:35pm

I agree with Moaning Myrtle having some bigger part to play - don't know what though. Do you think she might have known Lily and James?? She was killed before they were even born and so may have met them or maybe just Lily when they eventually got to Hogwarts?
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Monday 15 August 2005 11:07:06pm

yeah maybe, because hermione knew about her from her 2nd year so you'd imagine all girls would encounter her at some time in the bathrooms, she might have still been off haunting olive hornby though lol
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 16 August 2005 12:39:56am

Hey have a read of this Lexicon reckon Myrtle was his first victim... There's another feed somewhere on the HP Timeline though so prob best to comment timeline in there. ... emort.html
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Postby Lelie » Tuesday 16 August 2005 4:10:04pm

does it ever say what house myrtle was in? i'm assuming not slytherin as she was apparently muggle born.
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