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JKR wrote:ES: Why does Dumbledore allow Peeves to stay in the castle?
JKR: Can't get him out.
ES: He's Dumbledore, he can do anything!
JKR: No, no no no no. Peeves is like dry rot. You can try and eradicate it. It comes with the building. You’re stuck. If you've got Peeves you're stuck.
ES: But Peeves answers to Dumbledore -
JKR: Allegedly.
MA: Allegedly?
JKR: Yeah. I see Peeves as like a severe plumbing problem in a very old building, and Dumbledore is slightly better with the spanner than most people, so he can maybe make it function better for a few weeks. Then it’s going to start leaking again. Would you want Peeves gone, honestly?
MA: If I was Harry I might, but as a reader I enjoy him. I enjoyed him most when he started obeying Fred and George at the end of book five.
JKR: Yeah, that was fun. I enjoyed that. That was satisfying. [Laughter.]
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