The Death Scene ...

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 2 August 2005 9:52:42pm

I got another image in my head of Harry getting to be the "horcrux." Imagine him getting hit with the spell, but the protection takes place. Voldermort's wand malfunctions and a sort of magical thread is established between them. Voldermort starts dying, but he can't die with the horcruxes in place, so his body just starts to rot. Meanwhile, along the thread, Harry start's leeching Voldy's power and attached is a piece of his soul. The thread has been cuting into him this whole time and when the bit of soul enters, the cut takes its distinctive lightning bolt shape. With the deed done, the remainder of his power explodes outward, bringing the house down around them and Voldermort.. or whats left of him... flees
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 3 August 2005 8:04:25am

That's an absolutely fantastic theory.
What interests me is that JKR said "No comment" in reply to the question "Was there anybody else in Lily and James' house that night?" That really does make me wonder. She could be having us on but still...
And I didn't word my final bit as well as I meant to, but you got the general jist I think.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 3 August 2005 9:31:27am

Yeah there could've been another person inside the house that night...but that 'No comment' is really annoying there either wasn't anyone or there was...things like that really annoy me sometimes...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 3 August 2005 10:04:12am

Well if she doesn't lie, and she's asked a question like that, what else can she do?
Then there's the whole R.A.B scenario, so as far as know it could of been him that was in the house with them (if, of course JKR answers like we want her to), we don't know at all, but I like my Snape theory. We haven't learnt exactly why Snape left the DEs - Anything other than a very good story wouldn't have been accepted by DD.
If you're someone that believes Snape is really evil as he appeared in HBP (unlike me who refuses to believe it), then you should still be just as interested. What was the excuse Voldemort gave Snape to give to DD? [The question you should be asking..]
By the way, is there a poll somewhere in the HBP section that asks us whether Snape is really evil? I want to vote...
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