Harry's Powers

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Friday 22 July 2005 11:42:41pm

yes, yes...I noticed that about Trelawny...in fact, I jotted it down in my notebook yesterday to make mention of it but then I forgot all about it.

Thestral, I am hoping that HP will learn to master occlumency on his own...I envision a scene at the very end of book 7 where HP and Snape are in voldemort's presense and HP manages to break into Snapes mind and learn the truth or than snape breaks into HP's mind to show him the truth. Of course this is based on my insistance that Snape is still good and only killed Dd for the greater good.
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Postby dibble2 » Saturday 23 July 2005 6:03:57am

thestral wrote:the one thing that bothers me is that harry never learnt occlumency. and that's soooo important. he needs that control. but i don't think he'll ever be good at oclumency because his emotions are too close to the surface. thats just the way he is. the 'sensitive' hero and that's why the whole love this is so important. if he shut down his emotions the way you're supposed to in occlumency, i think he would lose half his power, cos his emotions and passion are his power.

now if he would get off his butt and do some work, ho would be able to harness that power....

Yeah, he's seemed to develop sort of a block about occlumency, which is a shame because he's going to need it. You're right on about his emotions. He's never been one to supress them and therefore the whole concept of occlumency is foreign to him. Too bad, because it seems essential when dueling with a strong opponent. At least he's got apparition down, I think DD and LV's duel proved that's an advantage.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 24 July 2005 12:07:46am

Personally, I was so angry with Harry for his damn arrogance and the way he clearly overestimates his own skills. So he wants so leave Hogwarts? So he wants to destroy the remaining Horcruxes when the great Albus Dumbledore couldn't have made it alone? So he wants to kill Voldemort, and Snape with him, because last time he confronted Snape he'd clearly have won if Snape hadn't escaped by sheer luck? *cough* So he wants to avange all those that died on the way, protecting him? Then why the heck isn't he taking each and every minute to practise how to 'keep his mouth shut and his mind closed' , a Snape so beautifully puts it? :mad: What is he going to do when he's finally facing Voldemort? Scream 'I'm Harry Potter, the Chosen One, look at me and die by shock?'

Honestly, he's planning all those things. But what did it tell him that Snape, who's nothing compared to Voldemort, could block each and every of his spell with a mere flick of his wand, without as much as disarming Harry? Nothing. Not one bit.
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Postby Froggs » Sunday 24 July 2005 2:16:02am

Yes, I thought about that too when Harry was discussing his plans with Ron and Hermione. I'm thinking, Harry, dearheart, do you really think Snape is going to be wary of you? But maybe that will be his (Snape's) downfall. He has never thought that Harry was worth much, let's hope that Harry's disasterous attempts at hexing Snape were due to his rather raw emotions at the time.
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Postby Anna Black » Sunday 24 July 2005 2:33:45am

Harry's lack of real, everyday magical ability has always had a place in the back of my mind. Each book, I kept waiting for him to master some important field of magic and so far he is 0 for infinity. He apparated well. He has a good, strong patronus. He has just learned how to do spells nonverbally, though he hasn't really used that in practical situations. He is quick on his feet. But, is that going to be enough to destroy the great LV? I don't think so. Harry has great strides to make in the next book. He does need to learn how to close off his mind. That will probably be the most important skill to master. And, it has always bothered me that he lets Hermione do his work for his classes. His OWLS left a lot to be desired. He didn't mind them, but he has to go up against LV! Just passing won't do it.
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Postby Lelie » Sunday 24 July 2005 3:21:26am

i think that we are putting a little too much emphasis on harry's school work. just because he doesn't necessarily apply himself there doesn't mean that he won't have the power to kill lv when the time comes. natural ability and power probably have more weight than what he got on his o.w.l.s! it isn't like lv is going to say.. "oh, well, sorry harry. i'm sure you can't beat me. you got a d in history of magic." maybe his lackluster school reports will lure lv into a false sense of security. (although i doubt he could care less...)
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Postby dibble2 » Sunday 24 July 2005 4:30:24am

Mistress Siana wrote:Personally, I was so angry with Harry for his damn arrogance and the way he clearly overestimates his own skills. So he wants so leave Hogwarts? So he wants to destroy the remaining Horcruxes when the great Albus Dumbledore couldn't have made it alone? So he wants to kill Voldemort, and Snape with him, because last time he confronted Snape he'd clearly have won if Snape hadn't escaped by sheer luck? *cough*

Harry thought he was capable of killing in his third year. He wanted his wand to kill Sirius before he knew the truth. I always wondered how exactly he planned on doing that. I agree, I don't know what fight Harry was watching, but I'd be more worried about having to fight Lord Voldemort if a single one of his Death Eaters could render him as defenseless as Dumbledore was on the tower. Sure, he's good at defense against dark arts. So? How many times has he been in a real, head on duel with anyone? Once, that I can think of, and that was with Voldemort. Wasn't his skill that saved him there, either. I was sure those private lessons with Dumbledore would mean dueling excellence for Harry, but...well, he's got a ways to go.
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Sunday 24 July 2005 10:57:06am

we're forgetting that JKR has always placed an emphasis on Harry's emotions and the fact that he can love. It obviously isn't skilled magic that got him this far...it's the other 2 things...working magic "accidentally" based on his feelings. Dd even emphasizes these things...so I don't believe HP really will need to know a lot more magic, just how to use what he already knows to it's fullest potential.
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Postby Froggs » Sunday 24 July 2005 4:18:59pm

Also- Harry heals one of his team players without even thinking about it, and as far as we know, he only heard that spell once, when Tonks uses it on him. This supports the theory that HP has strong powers that he can use without being aware of it. Usually wizards (I would think) have to practice complex spells over and over before getting the hang of them. This one seemed complex, after all, it can heal a broken nose, and he uses it successfully without even batting an eye.
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Postby dibble2 » Sunday 24 July 2005 9:35:47pm

True, and he seemed to be able to pull off all the Half-Blood Prince spells (even the non-verbal one) on the first try. Maybe this quick mastery is what will save him.
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 26 July 2005 2:54:01am

Mistress Siana wrote:Personally, I was so angry with Harry for his damn arrogance and the way he clearly overestimates his own skills. So he wants so leave Hogwarts? So he wants to destroy the remaining Horcruxes when the great Albus Dumbledore couldn't have made it alone? So he wants to kill Voldemort, and Snape with him, because last time he confronted Snape he'd clearly have won if Snape hadn't escaped by sheer luck? *cough* So he wants to avange all those that died on the way, protecting him? Then why the heck isn't he taking each and every minute to practise how to 'keep his mouth shut and his mind closed' , a Snape so beautifully puts it? :mad: What is he going to do when he's finally facing Voldemort? Scream 'I'm Harry Potter, the Chosen One, look at me and die by shock?'

Honestly, he's planning all those things. But what did it tell him that Snape, who's nothing compared to Voldemort, could block each and every of his spell with a mere flick of his wand, without as much as disarming Harry? Nothing. Not one bit.

You don't get it.. . he doesn't want to; he HAS to. It's the only way things are going to get done now. Do you want him to sit around and wait for other people to do it. It's his life on the line here, its about time he took a proactive stance, and he doesn't want to hurt others.. that b*****d! I( think you're just upset that he;s villifying your precious Snape, who is a villian, stop trying to make him into some hidden hero
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Postby darkcloak » Tuesday 26 July 2005 5:45:57pm

As some have already alluded to, Harry doesn't need to learn Occulmency when facing the Dark Lord.

Voldemort won't touch his mind as long there is love in it.

For Snape, since he knows of love (just once, according to JKR), it's a different story.
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Postby dibble2 » Friday 29 July 2005 1:08:07am

darkcloak wrote:As some have already alluded to, Harry doesn't need to learn Occulmency when facing the Dark Lord.

Voldemort won't touch his mind as long there is love in it.

For Snape, since he knows of love (just once, according to JKR), it's a different story.

I think most people, even Death Eaters, won't be affected by Harry's love protection. I think it's just a Harry/LV thing. Of course, Harry might not have to duel much at all. Most of the problems he'll face will be enchantments left at the horcrux sites.
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 29 July 2005 1:14:19am

If the series is any good, Harry will be able to fight a swath of death eaters without skipping a beat and be on his way to fight Voldrmort.
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Postby Lelie » Friday 29 July 2005 3:47:38am

well, i'm not sure about that. snape made it clear that lv had told the de's to lay off harry, that he wanted him himself. if the de's started trying to kill harry, it would seem like they didn't think lv could do the job. it's more likely that lv would have to be losing before the de's stepped in to help. that's when the gang mentality would take place.
this also begs the question: will lv know when his horcruxes are destroyed? will he realize his vulnerability to death before harry gets to him? i'm sure when he realizes harry is on a search and destroy mission he'll send people out to thwart that. but i still think lv will want to kill harry himself. he's waited too long now not to.
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