
Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Do you feel different about Sirus/James after Snapes worst memory?

Yes, I didn't like him
No I felt the same way about him
Total votes : 63

Postby selene » Wednesday 29 June 2005 9:29:07pm

i sort of expected something like this to happen. after the marauders map, becoming illegally animagi, getting compared with fred and george (as troublemakers, jokers), ...
james is no god, he's only human
and harry had to realise this sometime
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Postby sirius_lives_forever » Thursday 30 June 2005 7:39:10pm

i didnt feel very different about him because if sirius and james did that to him, that doesnt give him the right to torment harry at school. especially if he isnt in his house.
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Postby Nikki » Friday 1 July 2005 12:25:42am

i agree w/ u when you say that he doesnt have the right because he is not in his house when he is in school, but outside like in Sirius house, who really cares, you know?
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Postby niki_192 » Friday 8 July 2005 3:00:43pm

i always thought james and sirius were really nice...... but then again i've always disliked snape and i still love james and sirius.... it didnt change my mind but it was quiet harsh wat james did to snape but snape shouldn't be so mean 2 harry because of james..... i still love the marauders!!! :cool:
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Postby Dutchess42 » Thursday 28 July 2005 10:17:27pm

Don't bite my head off but I never really liked Sirius. I thought he was trying to use Harry to replace James.

Snape is very immature, though, to hold what James did against Harry. It's like an Ibsen play - the sins of the fathers being visited upon the sons.
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Postby thestral » Friday 29 July 2005 2:07:37pm

[quote= "Dutchess42"]Don't bite my head off but I never really liked Sirius. [/quote]

well i doubt my thestral teeth would be able to pierce dragon hide....

but shhhhh, you can't say things like that!!! :eek: sirius was the best and harry also used sirius as a replacement for his dad too. they both got comfort adn lessened their pain of loss by their mutual using of each other.

now never speak against sirius ever again. he was the perfect flawed hero... :cry: and now he's gone....*wild sobbing commences* WHY WHY HAVE YOU LEFT ME ON THIS GODFORSAKEN ROCK WITHOUT YOU, MY LOVE????

the universe has turned to a mighty stranger, i cannot live without my soul...

(points to anyone who spots the literary lament)
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Postby pheonixrising » Monday 1 August 2005 2:16:14am

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