The Pensieve...

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The Pensieve...

Postby Augusta Longbottom » Monday 18 July 2005 10:39:10pm

do you think Dumbledore would have set aside key thoughts that might be useful to HP or other members of the OotP into his pensieve *just in case*. I will be bummed out if there is no more pensieve in the final book. I have always liked it.

I had also been hoping that HP would learn more of Snapes memories through the pensieve but now maybe he will be able to break into Snapes memories via occlumens/leglimancy (sp???)

Oooh, that leads me to this...if Snape is really on the good side still, perhaps he will force his way into HP's mind to relay a message to him -- like in the final duel with Voldemort...maybe Snape would break into HP's mind and give him a helpful hint as to what to do/how to go about it. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

Just mainly curious about whether we will be seeing the pensieve any more in the last book.
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Postby dibble2 » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:03:15am

Good point. Harry is certainly going to need help in his upcoming search, and there's no way he could do the things Dumbledore did in the cave. Maybe there are some hints on finding "magical traces" and such in the thoughts he left behind?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:49:17am

I want to see Harry's memorys, but I don't suppose that's really possible now he's not planning on going back to Hogwarts...
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:14:17am

even though he's not planning to go back to hogwarts, I suspect he will occassionally go back to speak to the picture of Dumbledore hanging in the headmaster's/headmistresses office or to speak with one of his teachers.

But who would HP be showing his memories to I wonder?
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 11:53:42am

well he's going back to where it all started so presume as he was to young he could use the pensive to revisit his own thoughts of the night LV attempted to kill him
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 12:04:49pm

Hmm I like this idea. Have started reading the first book again and actually the first chapter is quite insightful and I'd totally forgotten stuff.

Harry remembers the Green Light that shone when LV killed Lily. So I like the idea of using the Pensieve to analyse his own memory. But how does he get to use the Pensieve - it's in McGonagall's office. I assume there must be more out there though and I reckon he will take Ron and Hermione along for the ride into his memory. I think somehow he's got to get more memories of LV so that he can trace the horcruxes. Maybe that's where Snape might come into it?

Incidentally, why is it that Dumbledore only realises that LV created horcruxes in HBP. If Snape was so loyal to him, why didn't he tell him earlier? He could have been working on this theory for years!
Last edited by Snow_Crystal on Tuesday 19 July 2005 1:12:41pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 12:41:09pm

I dont think that LV would've told anyone unless he really needed to and i think he'd've done it with someone he had complete control over, i doubt Snape as he is very good at hiding hie feelings
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Postby Froggs » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:40:36pm

Incidentally, why is it that Dumbledore only realises that LV created horcruxes in HBP. If Snape was so loyal to him, why didn't he tell him earlier? He could have been working on this theory for years

Humph! So Snape really is a bad guy, that proves it! :evil:
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Postby gadfly22 » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:45:47pm

I think it possible that Dumbledore left a number of his memories for Harry to examine in the Pensieve -- including the one that shows the reason that DD believes in Snape's trustworthiness.
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Postby Froggs » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:54:17pm

gadfly22 wrote:I think it possible that Dumbledore left a number of his memories for Harry to examine in the Pensieve -- including the one that shows the reason that DD believes in Snape's trustworthiness.

I don't think Snape can ever be "good" again. No matter what DD believed.
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Postby gadfly22 » Tuesday 19 July 2005 11:19:12pm

I don't think Snape can ever be "good" again. No matter what DD believed.

I think this issue will be one of the big debates -- perhaps the biggest -- between now and the publication of the final book.

And I'm of the opinion that Snape will be instrumental in Voldemort's ultimate downfall according to a Dumbledore's plan. Snape may never be "nice", but I think he's in the anti-Voldy camp because:

1. Dumbledore thinks so, and he's seldom (if ever) wrong about character.

2. It's dramatically right. We think for volumes that Snape is nasty, suspect he's good -- and then find out (we think) that he's the ultimate traitor. The dramatic reversal that shows us he isn't will be pretty powerful stuff.

3. He and Dumbledore cooked something up -- something that upset Snape and led to a heated discussion with DD. Just as DD had to twist Harry's arm to follow his instructions to the letter about the liquid covering the locket, I think DD had to exert his will to get Snape to do as he ordered -- including killing (or seeming to kill) him. As I noted in another thread, the emphasis on non-verbal spell-casting in this book was (I think) a clue that, although Snape SPOKE the Avedra Kedavra curse, he might have been THINKING something else. And DD's pleading look -- which might have seemed like he was begging for his life -- might easily have been DD pleading with Snape to follow through on his promise and further DD's plan.

4. Snape could have done Harry considerable harm in the final chase but actively refrained from doing so.
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Tuesday 19 July 2005 11:25:30pm

I think you're right on the money Gadfly...although I do believe DD is really dead. But after reading JKR's interview after the release of HBP, I think we will see some of DD's ideas coming through via Falkes.

But now that you said it, I bet you are exactly right about DD having left the reason he trusts Snape in the pensieve for HP to see. That hadn't occured to me.
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Postby Froggs » Wednesday 20 July 2005 12:52:43am

Do you honestly think that Dumbledore would want to make Snape a murderer for the greater good of the Order? That seems really out of character. Unless....that was why Dumbledore flew off like he did (after being cursed), perhaps he had cast a spell of his own and Snape isn't "really" responsible for DD's death...but that seems farfetched...Nope, Snape is bad, there is no going around it, he murdered someone, and you can't do that if you're a good guy :cool:
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Postby Stumpy » Wednesday 20 July 2005 10:06:38am

The theory is the good of the many outway the few. DD's death must mean alot of others get saved whether its through Harry being alive or some other plan. I agrre bout DD communicating to Harry still either through the pensive, portrait or fawlks
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Postby Fweegal » Wednesday 20 July 2005 11:44:50am

Maybe Dumbledore did something just before Snape blasted his body. Possessed Fawkes perhaps? That phoenix has some role left. They named the order after it!
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