Order of the Phoenix membership?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Order of the Phoenix membership?

Postby redshoesrock » Tuesday 19 July 2005 6:45:00am

I found this Q & A session online, and here is a question/answer that intrigued me -

Samatha Scattergood for Waterstones - Which is your favourite member of The Order Of The Phoenix?
JK Rowling: I keep killing all my favourite members of The Order Of The Phoenix, but there is one member of The Order Of The Phoenix that you have not yet met properly and you will­, well, you know that they are a member, but you haven't really met them properly yet and you will meet them in seven, so I am looking forward to that.

So who does that mean? Who in the OOTP do we know is a memeber, but haven't really met properly? Thank me later for scouring the 'net for this for you:

Membership (past and present) of the Order of the Phoenix

Black, Sirius
Let the Order use his family home, Number 12 Grimmauld Place, as its headquarters. As the Ministry was on the lookout for him, he was not allowed out much. Killed in the Department of Mysteries by his cousin, the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bones, Edgar
Killed along with most of his family. Hagrid considered the Bones family to be among the best witches and wizards of the age.

Dearborn, Caradoc
Vanished 6 months after the "original" Order of the Phoenix photo was taken; his body was never found

Diggle, Dedalus
Wizard who is part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house; appears to have helped shadow Harry in the years before Harry started Hogwarts. Favors a violet top hat, which often falls off as he's quite excitable.

Doge, Elphias
Old wizard, with a wheezy voice and silver hair. Was part of the "original" Order of the Phoenix and at the time wore a stupid hat. Part of the Advance Guard that helped Harry in his escape from the Dursley house.

Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian
Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Founder and Secret Keeper of the Order of the Phoenix. Saved the day at the Department of Mysteries. Killed by Severus Snape at Hogwarts School during an attack by several Death Eaters.

Dumbledore, Aberforth
The occasion on which the "original" Order photograph kept by Moody was taken was the only time Moody had ever met Aberforth, as of mid-August 1996.

Fenwick, Benjy
Killed, only bits found of him

Figg, Arabella Doreen
Squib who lives with several cats in Wisteria Walk two streets from Privet Drive; key to Dumbledore's efforts to watch over Harry while he's with the Dursleys. Was working alongside Mundungus Fletcher the day the Dementors came to Privet Drive.

Fletcher, Mundungus "Dung"
Crook by trade, but handy to have around, though unreliable. Was not part of the original Order of the Phoenix. Caught stealing Black family items from headquarters following the death of Sirius Black.

Hagrid, Rubeus
Half-giant who was sent with Madame Maxime to look for Giants in the mountains.

Jones, Hestia
Pink-cheeked black-haired witch who is part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house. New member of the Order.

Longbottom, Frank and Alice
Former aurors, each noteworthy for having faced Voldemort personally and survived three times. Tortured into madness by the Lestranges and Barty Crouch, Jr. after Voldemort's fall. Currently confined to St. Mungo's

Lupin, Remus J.
Werewolf, part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house - a necessary part of the team, being the only member Harry knew well and would trust at sight. Lupin, who has always had difficulty obtaining paid work due to his condition, now lives at headquarters and works full time for the Order. Fought at the Department of Mysteries.

McGonagall, Minerva
Animagus. Transfiguration teacher and Dumbledore's second-in-command at Hogwarts.

McKinnon, Marlene
Killed by Death Eaters together with her whole family, two weeks after the "original" Order photograph was taken. Hagrid considered her one of the best witches of the age

Meadows, Dorcas
Killed by Voldemort personally, a measure of how important she was to the fight against him

Moody, Alastor "Mad-Eye"
Auror (now retired) who was part of the original Order of the Phoenix. Noted for never having descended to the level of the Death Eaters even when given authorization to use the Unforgivable Curses during the first war against Voldemort; always brought suspects in alive where possible. Keeps a battered old photograph of the "original" Order of the Phoenix. Part of the Advance Guard that helped Harry escape from the Dursley house. Fought at the Department of Mysteries.

Pettigrew, Peter
Chosen as the Potters' Secret-Keeper due to doubts about the reliability of Remus Lupin, coupled with Sirius Black's last-minute idea of a bluff. Unfortunately, Pettigrew had sold out to Voldemort as a spy at least a year before. Betrayed the Potters, currently serving Voldemort as a Death Eater

Prewett, Gideon and Fabian
Brothers who died fighting a group of five Death Eaters, including Antonin Dolohov. Moody thought very highly of them, and Hagrid considered them to be among the best wizards of the age

Podmore, Sturgis
Square-jawed wizard with thick straw colored hair, about two years older than Snape and Harry's parents. Part of the Advance Guard that helped Harry in his escape from the Dursley house. Arrested by watchwizard Eric Munch on 31 August 1995 at 1 am in the Ministry of Magic trying to force a top-security door; charged with trespass and attempted robbery, refused to speak in his own defense before the Wizengamot, and sentenced to six months in Azkaban on 6 September 1995.

Potter, James and Lily
Each noteworthy for having faced Voldemort personally and survived three times. Killed personally by Voldemort in Godric's Hollow on Halloween, 1981

Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Auror with some considerable ability, Kingsley was in charge of the hunt for Sirius Black, and was thus able to misdirect it to protect Sirius. Chosen by Fudge to assist in his confrontation with Dumbledore about the DA, and was key to protecting Harry from expulsion. Part of the Advance Guard that helped Harry escape from the Dursley house, Shacklebolt appears to have known James Potter, since he referred to James while remarking on Harry's resemblance to James, although Shacklebolt is not mentioned as having been part of the "original" Order. Fought at the Department of Mysteries.

Snape, Severus
An extremely skilled Occlumens who spied for the "original" Order during the 1970s at great personal risk. Never eats at 12 Grimmauld Place. Teaches Harry Occlumency. Betrayed the Order by personally killing Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts School, escaping with several Death Eaters in tow. Current whereabouts unknown.

Tonks, Nymphadora
Auror, very junior as of the summer of 1996, having just qualified in the summer of 1995. Young and very clumsy, but exceptionally talented in Concealment and Disguise, being a Metamorphmagus who changes her appearance at will. Part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house; key part of the Order's spy network within the Ministry; in love with Lupin.

Vance, Emmeline
Stately-looking witch. Part of the Advance Guard that helped Harry in his escape from the Dursley house.

Weasley, Arthur
Discreetly recruiting for the Order within the Ministry of Magic, as well as gathering information for them there. Injured by Voldemort's snake while serving on guard duty.

Weasley, Bill
Took a desk job at Gringotts' London branch to be available to help the Order. He has been talking to the Goblins, trying to determine which side they're on. Fought the Death Eater and werewolf Fenrir Greyback during the attack on Hogwarts School; horribly scarred, but appears to have suffered no further injuries

Weasley, Charlie
Working with dragons in Romania, recruiting for the Order as well.

Weasley, Molly
Took charge of decontaminating 12 Grimmauld Place when the Order took it over.

Start guessing (I have my own theories).
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 9:25:15am

Who'd you think it is??
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Postby niki_192 » Tuesday 19 July 2005 9:43:48am

i have no idea :???: :???: :???:
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:00:43am

Wot confuses me is that if they were that strong or important we'd've known about them?
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Postby Kalessin » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:31:30am

Hmm, maybe this could either be related to the whole R.A.B. thing or possibly it could refer to Aberforth in my opinion? I mean, he has been hinted at and surely a brother to Dumbledore would be quite important - the barman at the Hogshead has always been a suspect for Aberforth and as far as we know, the barman did attend Dumbledore's funeral, but Aberforth wasn't explicitly mentioned? What do you think?
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:38:52am

I like the theory as i think somone who is close to DD would be nice if he is dead! but u'd've thought DD would've mentioned his brother even if they didnt talk!
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Postby Kalessin » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:43:49am

Maybe Aberforth is the behind-the-scenes-Dumbledore eh? I mean, Dumbledore was the poster boy really, always in the public eye, Aberforth could most likely have been the one free from the public's discretion and so was able to operate more freely than Dumbledore could?

If Dumbledore wasn't really dead then I think this is what Dumbledore will be doing, operating without the publics knowledge so he can get things done without interference fromt the Ministry etc.
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:57:57am

true but just cos he is DD's bro doesnt mean that he's as good as DD
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Postby dibble2 » Tuesday 19 July 2005 6:12:31pm

Yeah, Dumbledore wasn't even sure that Aberforth could read.

I hope we get to meet Aberforth, though. I also wanted to see more of Shacklebolt, but I guess he's guarding the Muggle Prime Minister now. Still...he was dueling with two Death Eaters at once!
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 19 July 2005 6:49:56pm

Stumpy wrote:Wot confuses me is that if they were that strong or important we'd've known about them?

it wasnt said that they had to be strong or important yet, it was just JKR's favourite member of the order
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 6:56:40pm

A true enough comment
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Postby thestral » Wednesday 20 July 2005 10:56:13am

i like shacklebolt too, i look forward to seeing more of him in action. he kiscks ass rather well. :grin:
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Postby Stumpy » Wednesday 20 July 2005 10:59:23am

I wanna see if fred and george up thier designing of tricks to start helping the Order like with the shielding hats and hopefully they will join the order to
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Postby Fweegal » Wednesday 20 July 2005 11:08:10am

I think Harry, Hermione and Ron will be joining too.
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Postby Stumpy » Wednesday 20 July 2005 11:17:01am

Hopefully they will deffinately be very connected even if they arent full members. But ur probably right
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