Escape from Azkaban

A place to discuss your Harry Potter theories. Are there hidden secrets and conspiracies? What will happen in future plots? The truth may be in here!

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Scarlet Lioness, FawkesthePhoenix, Lone_Buck, paintballdecoy

How long will it take the Death Eaters to escape from Azkaban?

Before the Half-Blood Prince begins, but after OoTP finishes.
In the first chapter of HBP, in a Prologue format. As was the LV scene in the beginning of GOF.
Mid-way through HBP.
Right at the end of HBP, acting as the climax. (Remembering the 6th and 7th are said to be sort of the same story, so the 6th might have a bit of an anti-climax leading up to the finale.)
In between Half-Blood Prince and HP7
No votes
Somewhere in HP7
Total votes : 22

Postby Tanuki » Monday 23 May 2005 4:05:41pm

I'm not a mod yet... Oh yes, and as for the horrible things she's done; I think fudge will help her weasal out of those, seeing as to damn her is to implicate himself. A lot of the things she did, she did in his name, and probably with his blessing. She'll escape law enforcement, but she'll definitely be ruined
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Postby carsten » Monday 23 May 2005 4:13:54pm

Tanuki wrote:... she'll definitely be ruined
She was introduced as a person with a questionable morale. It simply showed, when she reached a position of power.

Wouldn't it be an interesting story to watch her changing sides? Joining the Dark Lord?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 27 May 2005 6:04:02am

She's pretty evil already, there wouldn't be too much to watch. It wouldn't be as interesting as, say, Star Wars watching Anakin, although that isn't too good of a comparison.
Fudge is going to be defamed though. JKR said there will be a new MoM, and once he's out, how much influence will he have. I don't think Harry and the other students that got the punishment will keep quiet about her. I think Law Enforcement will play a part in her future in some way.]
If we were to watch her join the Dark side...... what would we possibly have to watch?
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Postby niki_192 » Sunday 10 July 2005 3:27:56pm

i rekon they'll escape half way through HBP
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Postby Nikki » Sunday 10 July 2005 5:48:43pm

nah, right in the begining, then, Draco's dad will sneak into Hogwarts and kill Harry for putting him in Azkaban, bwaaaaa :grin: :grin: :grin: , and i read that their will be a new MoM
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Postby niki_192 » Thursday 14 July 2005 2:16:32pm

hehe never thought of that really :lol: :lol:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 9 January 2006 11:20:28am

The thread was just moved from the normal "Theories" section, so I'm just using this post to get it up the board actually, because otherwise it'll remain here unforgotten when I specifically asked it to be moved for discussion.

May as well add something though:

As we now know, we were mostly wrong. I didn't even add a poll option for book 7, I just recently asked Asphodel to add one in for me before he moved this...

Well, anyway, time to continue this with HBP spoilers added.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 3 January 2007 4:38:06pm

Well as per the thread, if they're going to escape it will probably be Book 7 now which is what I voted for but here's a question...

Who is guarding the wizards at Azkaban at the moment if it's not the dementors? Aurors?
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Saturday 27 January 2007 1:50:29am

I guess. Maybe Grawp will. :) :razz:
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