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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 1 June 2005 7:13:05am

That's how most people find it really isn't it?
Welcome to BaO! :grin:
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Postby thestral » Thursday 2 June 2005 4:29:12pm

once again, what can i say, googled it. was looking for info/rumours anything about when book 6 as it was then (not HBP), was being released if it had been written whatever, and i got the rumours section in the search. i actually think i just read the discussions for like ages before i actually starting posting.

really BaO owes alot to google.
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Postby Im_a_slave_for_Draco008 » Thursday 2 June 2005 5:57:58pm

i found our from a good friends whos a member here and she told me to join. her username is weasleys_gurl07. THX its kool here i think i'll tell some of my other friends/ :-)
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Postby Ravenclawsweety » Wednesday 22 June 2005 1:24:05am

I was browesin' usin' google like every1 esle
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 22 June 2005 5:50:35am

Those google people must be mega-rich! :grin:
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 22 June 2005 6:32:32am

They are!!!!!
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Postby Ravenclawsweety » Thursday 23 June 2005 8:05:04pm

i am not mega-rich, sure, i will be later, but not now :grin:
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Postby Ravenclawsweety » Thursday 23 June 2005 8:06:14pm

ahhh.....never mind, i see u meant that the people who made up google r rich, my bad
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 24 June 2005 5:35:21am

LOLZ!!! Dont worry, I have moments like that all the time...It might be because I'm a blonde but oh well!!!
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Postby selene » Friday 24 June 2005 10:23:31pm

i was searching for an english hp forum and found this forum.
i read the books in english and in the dutch version they changed a lot of the names so when i joined a dutch forum i was constantly asking who is that or who is this and after 50 times of asking who is marcel lubbermans ... you get the idea
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Postby Nikki » Saturday 25 June 2005 4:57:43pm

yea, i also found it on google
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 26 June 2005 7:42:38pm

all the other forums on google are too small or too big or not active... and after searching for like... an hour... i got to here
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Sunday 26 June 2005 9:15:43pm

it's been so long I can't remember now, but surely I must've found it via Google as well. But what got me to join here vs any other similar forums is I liked the well thought out discussion that occured here -- what I mean is, as I lurked through several different websites with forums like this, many of the other forums didn't have such well-versed open dialogue like we all have here. Other forums seemed to have a lot of petty, youthlike behavior, whereas here, there was a good mix of fun, but no pettiness, and plenty of good thorough discussion. When I say good discussion I mean delving between the lines in the books -- reading it so in depth that we're discussing more than just what is face value in the books. I like that.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 27 June 2005 7:01:24am

Ummm... Who is Marcel Lubbermans?
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Postby Aliassa » Monday 27 June 2005 1:38:18pm

Well it's a short and not very interesting story. My site is down- I googled 'Harry Potter Forums', hit 'I'm feeling lucky' and here I am.
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