I think both of them are to nice for Malfoy. Plus Dracos dad wouldn't put up with either of them. As ginny is the daughter of Arthur weasley who is one of Lucius's enemies. And Malfoy's family think of Hermione as a mudblood. So neither of them would suit him.
I agree with wildchild. If i HAD to chose one of them, i would probably choose Ginny. But, Draco already is with someone, well, at least in the fourth book he was, Pansy Parkingson.
it has so got to be ginny! out of all the girls in the freakin school, its going to be ginny (all of my fanfics are of d/g) it will completely work because they are complete opposites and oh how do i explain this! they are just completely perfect for each other!
I didn't vote because I think neither are suitable for him, only a pig would be suitable for him but If I had to choose I'd say Ginny because Hermione's smart enough not to go with him...
LOL, I agree with Phoenix in the Ashes this is ridiculous!!!!
I chose hermione because it would be such a wierd and funny relationship. I mean like they hate each other so much it would. I don't think it would last very long. but i think that if ginny ever ended up with Draco, Ron would kill him and maybe even her
i would not choose any of them...they both hate draco...
but if i had 2 choose i would go 4 ginny coz as we kno the malfoys hate "mudbloods" and hermion does have muggle parents but then again the all the malfoys hate the weeasleys and the grangers and the weasleys and the grangers hate the malfoys..........