Snape doesn't have a daughter?

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Snape doesn't have a daughter?

Postby Phinea Rogue » Monday 23 May 2005 3:15:04pm

This is not really a theory, just some speculation (after exams, it's nice to go speculate a bit...). JKR has updated her site and there she answered to a theory I've never heard before - called "Luna is Snape's daughter". She said, "This is the most tantalising idea, but no, Mr Lovegood, the editor of the 'Quibbler', really is Luna's father and Snape does not have a daughter."

By saying that he doesn't have a daughter, can she mean that he has a son? Why doesn't she say simply that he doesn't have children? Is she just playing a bit with her fans? :grin: I suppose that's possible too...

I've never thought of Snape as having a family - as a wife and kids - only possible siblings or parents, but never children. Would he have a son? Who would have married him? Okay, you don't have to be married to have a son, but... you have to have someone to have him with... and although I like Snape a lot, I can't imagine him being in any relationship.

A few of the Hogwarts professors have spouses, but the information is restricted – that much we already know. If Snape had a son, could Voldemort use him against him (if he were to find out that he's no more loyal to him)? But JKR said once that she thinks that the thought of Snape in love is a "very horrible idea" and is stunned that someone wonders if Snape might fall in love. Therefore I've always thought that he's never been in any relationship... then again, you don't need to fall in love to get married...
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 23 May 2005 4:22:50pm

Methink you might be overanalyzing the situation
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 24 May 2005 4:23:50am

Hehe, welcome to the club, Phinea, that was exactly what I thought when I read her statement. But I guess I might just want to see it that

But, as for the question whom he might have children with, it could be an arranged marriage of some kind...preserving the pureblood ways, whatever. I'm not sure if I can picture Snape accepting an arranged marriage, however.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Tuesday 24 May 2005 8:35:09am

Well, if he married young when he was still a Death Eater, maybe he would have accepted an arranged marriage - to preserve the pure blood and in this way to please Voldemort? But wouldn't it be wonderful? A nasty lil Snape... :grin:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 24 May 2005 11:52:49pm

It's a shame, actually, I wanted him to have a daughter! Hehe...

But I think it could fit in with what JKR said about Snape when she was asked if there would be a love interest for him. It was something along the lines of "who would want Snape in love with him? But I'm surprised you ask, you'll find out why in book 7". Family yes, love no. Then again, why did she say who would want Snape in love with him? *Go away, nasty thought!* Sorry, too much coffee.
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Postby Nightcrawler » Wednesday 25 May 2005 11:54:57am

Siana... you're not going to be writing any slash fiction right? Lol, to say the truth, that's the same thought I had when I read the quote.

And I doubt Snape has any children. He does not seem like the fatherly type.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 26 May 2005 1:45:19am

Well, you don't need to be the fatherly type to produce a child...bees and flowers, you know...ahem. :D

Anyway, I too doubt it, but I'd love to see it. Because he's not the fatherly type, it would be interesting.
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Postby Nightcrawler » Friday 27 May 2005 12:54:29pm

Yeah but at the same time, I don't think Snape would be the type to have a kid and then abandon him. Snape's done some pretty despicable stuff, but nothing awful like that. I really like Snape, so I hope that's not the case.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Sunday 29 May 2005 4:30:03pm

I can see him having a son and not seeing him often, being divorced or something like that, spending lots of time at Hogwarts and maybe only part of summer with him (and taking care of him finacially).
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snape could be a father

Postby isasniffelus » Tuesday 1 November 2005 3:43:06pm

I've been asking myself the same question. I do indeed believe he could have a child because that idea comes up naturally after reading the interview... What do you think-could he have a son? Snape and Narcissa were in Slytherin, they must even have the same age. They are very intimate friends, too. She knows where he lives and he isn't surprised about her visit. Narcissa was just not allowed to marry him because she had to marry a pureblood which he is not. Furthermore, have you never ask yourself what exactly it is that makes Dumbledore trust Severus??? And that he couldn't tell the staff? And remember how angry he was with Harry after the Sectum Sempra charm on Malfoy. Could that be fatherly affection?
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just forgot

Postby isasniffelus » Tuesday 1 November 2005 3:45:22pm

to mention that his patronus charm will be of importance. But JK wouldn't say what it is because it would give away too much... First, it means he will fight someone or something dark; secondly, do you think it could be a flower?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 January 2006 9:52:02am

I must say his boggart intrigues me much more.. Hmm.
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Postby draconeedsahug » Tuesday 2 May 2006 1:18:14pm

Mistress Siana wrote:But, as for the question whom he might have children with, it could be an arranged marriage of some kind...preserving the pureblood ways, whatever. I'm not sure if I can picture Snape accepting an arranged marriage, however.

Snape's not a pure blood...
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Tuesday 2 May 2006 6:03:07pm

We didn't know that at that time... :D
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 3 May 2006 7:04:06am

That's true...

Wihch is interesting in itself, really, when you thikn about it.

How stuff we thikn we know can change so quickly... :-)
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