Favourite Chapter

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

What book is your fav chapter in?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Total votes : 34

Postby Tanuki » Sunday 27 March 2005 2:52:30pm

It'd be great if he were stuck with Filch's job
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 28 March 2005 10:44:37am

Putting all my theories about Malfoy reuniting the houses and stuff aside, having him in Filch's position would pretty much make the story for me lol.
(OK it wouldn't really but it would be very, very funny.)

Mistress Siana, could you please explain to us why The Riddle House is your favourite chapter? It's an interesting choice.
And Imelyen, I can see why you would think Harry will be DADA teacher, but is it just me or can other people not imagine him being stuck in a classroom year after year. I don't know what he's gonna be, but I think he's gonna put his fanastic defensive magical abilities to use in another way. Also the adult uk/canada (& more) cover for HBP has an advanced potions book on it I think. That would contradict your theory about not geting into NEWT level potions.
As for Draco's Detour, it will be from Harry's view point as always (because it has to be, and don't argue with that) so I believe Harry will be following Draco when he is going somewhere, maybe to meet Lucius once he's escaped. (Arguments for that belong in the "Escape from Azkaban {Don't Read if you haven't read OoTP}" Poll thread.)
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Postby Cedric » Monday 28 March 2005 5:00:52pm

Yeah, the Riddle House is a very interesting choice. I think you're the first person that I've heard to say that it was their favorite.

Also, Malfoy taking Filtches job...haha...thats all I have to say. Thats a book in itself.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 29 March 2005 8:41:55am

Yeah, get a call out to comic relief.
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Postby wildchild123 » Sunday 3 April 2005 5:40:55pm

My favourite chapter is The Lost Prophecy in OotP because all the loose ends kind of tie up and Dumbledore explains alot of stuff to Harry
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 4 April 2005 8:28:59am

Yeah that is a very interesting chapter too. The only reason I didn't put it in my list was because the chapters that stick out most in my mind are comic ones. The Lost Prophesy, The Department of Mysteries, and Beyond the Veil, would all be up there on the drama list.
Anyone got one of those?
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 4 April 2005 3:31:44pm

I'm nopt sure which chapter it is, but that chapter in Prisoner of Azkaban where Harry screws Snape out of an order of merlin. That was by far, one of the more satisfying moments in all the books
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 6 April 2005 9:03:07am

Ohhhh yeah I remember that. Watching Snape fly off the handle was so funny :lol:
I'm pretty sure the chapter is "Hermione's Secret" in PoA. I think I put that in my list, but if I didn't, it should definitely be up there anyway.
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Postby Tween_Luv » Sunday 10 April 2005 10:30:03pm

yes, even though we kinda know what Draco is like out of school from book 2, it would be nice to know more.
and i loved the Career Advice chapter (of course) and Hermione's Secret from the third book.
overall, the third book is my favorite, and i enjoyed every chapter. :)
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 17 April 2005 6:54:41am

Yeah PoA sort've holds your attention right from the beginning, what with all the Aunt Marge stuff. You get shown so much stuff as well, that Harry uses in the future books. Marauders Map, the Firebolt, Patronus Charm etc.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Sunday 17 April 2005 1:52:33pm

I don't think that I have a favourite chapter, I don't even read the chapter titles, I just skip them (I don't know why, I've always been doing that - whether in literature books or in study books... I used to have problems then when I learnt everything I should except the titles, it confused me sometimes...). But I have some favourite scenes, though I have no idea in which chapters they are.

That chapter when Snape loses the Order of Merlin is funny, I love seeing him losing his coolness. :grin: As for other chapters, my most favourite ones are usually those that have Snape in it (e.g. Snape duelling Lockheart, very funnily described) or Sirius, but also some other characters that I like.
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Postby Tween_Luv » Sunday 17 April 2005 7:28:26pm

yeah, snape is a rather entertaining character. :D
i also really really liked the scene where Harry sneaks up behind Ron and hermione in Honydukes when they are wondering what candy to buy him, in book 3
and the scene in book 2 when ron rescues harry w/the flying car..those were great scenes fromt he books :grin:
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Postby Cedric » Sunday 17 April 2005 8:46:24pm

One of my favorite scene in the books is when the shadows of people Voldemorts killed slipped out of his wand. That gave me the chills...good kind though.
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Postby Tween_Luv » Sunday 17 April 2005 9:03:10pm

yeah, i know what you mean. that part was good. i really like it when they swarmed in on him and covered his vision so that harry could get away. can't wait till that part in the movie
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 18 April 2005 7:15:05am

I'm a little apprehensive about the last few chapters and what they're going to be like in the movie. I just think it's gonna be so, so very hard to make it live up to the book. We'll see.
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