Something I thought was interesting...

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Something I thought was interesting...

Postby Imelyen » Tuesday 22 March 2005 5:12:45am

Hey guys,

Not sure if this topic has been covered before, but I was wondering if anyone had noticed a trend occuring with the snapping of a wizards wand (too tired to care about grammar). I've noticed that, thus far, when a wizard breaks his wand it signifies a major change in their life....

1.) Hagrid's - Obviously his expulsion from hogwarts and the start of his life as the game keeper

2.) Umbridge - She kind of lost her mind...and she will undoubtedly be in trouble for attempting to use an unforgivable Curse.

3.) Ron - Had some trouble with him, but I believe when his wand broke it signified him coming out of his brothers shadows as at the end of book one he gained all those points for beating Mcgonagalls chess board, and for tagging along with Harry and exploring PART of the CoS, and, as an added bonus, he lost scabbers (percy's old pet) and got a brand new pet all his own.

4.) Neville - As his wand broke at the end of book 5 we dont know how his life has changed, although I do believe he will not longer be such a bumbling fool and will finally be able to do some decent magic (with the progress he was making in the D.A. and all.)

Not sure if I'm reading too much into this or not...but would like your guys opinion on the matter.
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Postby Cedric » Tuesday 22 March 2005 5:25:49am

It's an interesting therory. I don't think you're reading too much into it because JKR has a talent for hiding things in the obvious and it is obvious that more then one wand has been broken.

I've never really thought about it being a connection to something though.
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Postby Nightcrawler » Tuesday 22 March 2005 5:35:10am

You're deffinetly not reading too much into this at all, I think you have hit some very valid points and I'm surprised that I had never thought of this before. Now that I think about it, the loss of a weapon and gain of a new one is significant in a lot of stories.

In Highlander when Connor's wife dies, he leaves his sword by her grave and then gets a new one. In Star Wars, Luke loses his lightsabre (and his hand) when he leans about Darth Vader being his father. When his training is complete he creates a new one. In episode I, Obi Wan Kenobi loses his lightsabre when Qui Gon Jinn dies and must then use Qui Gon's lightsabre for the remainder of the battle. At some point between episodes I and II, he must have created a new lightsabre. In episode III Anikin is going to lose his blue lightsabre when he falls into the volcano and he will forge an new one as Darth Vader!

JKR has been very clever in keeping with this sort of trend. A character's weapon says a lot about him or her. Eg, Harry and Voldermor's pheonix feather connection.
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Postby Cedric » Tuesday 22 March 2005 5:39:18am

That is a very good point! And very good examples. Oh, I can't wait for the book to come out!!
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Re: Something I thought was interesting...

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 22 March 2005 9:39:36am

Imelyen wrote:
2.) Umbridge - She kind of lost her mind...and she will undoubtedly be in trouble for attempting to use an unforgivable Curse.

4.) Neville - As his wand broke at the end of book 5 we dont know how his life has changed, although I do believe he will not longer be such a bumbling fool and will finally be able to do some decent magic (with the progress he was making in the D.A. and all.)

I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that Neville was going to be playing quidditch. If this is true, then I must state another point. Neville had his father's old wand, right? (Well I know it's right.) And Ron and Charlie's old one (Or Bill's I'm not sure.) So maybe it's not the breaking of the wand that's significant, it's the wizards getting their own. It's the wand that chooses the wizard, remember. No wizard can achieve grat things magically with another's wand.
As for Umbridge, I wonder what will happen to her? If she was sent to azkaban, she would surely escape when everybody else does, because there is bound to be a mass breakout sooner or late with no dementors around. Hmmm, interesting............. :???:
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Postby thestral » Thursday 24 March 2005 2:18:25pm

i'd totally forgotten that neville had his dad's old wand! but was ron not a bit useless when he had charlie's? so definitly (hopefully) we're gonna see neville come out of the shadows of his parent's achievements and start to live his own life more confidently with his own achievements.

i mean how could you perform magic well with another person's wand? a wand becomes part of the wizard, almost like a part of their anatomy. all their life force goes into their wand and if you had someone else's it would be a bit like walking around with someone else's legs, you ain't gonna walk so good. :-)
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Postby Nightcrawler » Friday 25 March 2005 4:40:39am

I don't know if this really counts, but when Godric Gryfindor lost his weapon (his sword) when he decided to put it into the sorting hat. I suppose he did this when he was coming to terms with his mortality; he realised that some day he would die, so he created the sorting hat in order take care of matters after he was gone. I wonder what items from other houses are in there...
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Postby Cedric » Friday 25 March 2005 3:03:05pm

And will Harry pull them out also since he has proved himself brave already. What other qualities has he got that might pull other objects out of the hat from other houses?! Thats something to think about.
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Postby Lone_Buck » Saturday 26 March 2005 10:40:47pm

Maybe Nevilles signifies that, now that his father's wand is gone, the pressure has been lifted. He no longer has to live up to his father. He'll relax, and become a much more gifted wizard. Perhaps he will assist in the capture of Bellatrix.

I really like this theory, i'm not sure why.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 29 March 2005 8:50:50am

Yeah it appeals to me too. I'm positive I heard something about Neville playing Quidditch too.
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 30 March 2005 9:00:31pm

Great theory!! I guess the wand is very important to the wizard, they have to go through that whole process of picking just the perfect wand, so it would be one of the things that they care for greatly.
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Postby Tween_Luv » Monday 11 April 2005 12:16:08am

I might have heard the Neville playing quidditch theory somewhere, but if he does start playing, his wand breaking will really have caused a change in him.
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 11 April 2005 2:49:36am

Yeah, like making a whole new charactewr who was nothing like Neville
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Postby Cedric » Monday 11 April 2005 3:19:38am

I seem to remember that in the first book when they had flying lessons, Neville being afraid to get on his broom. JKR put an explanation of the broom seemed to read his mind or something and knew that he didn't want his feet to leave the ground. I don't have my book in front of me, but thats what I remember. So if he does play, its going to take more then his wand breaking to help him with that.
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 11 April 2005 2:27:58pm

Exxxxxxxxxxxactly my friends. If you'r going to look at how Neville is going to change, remember to actually read the books where Neville appears to understand him
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